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Revision as of 12:45, 6 April 2010

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There are ten students with ten grades. Instead of storing every single grade in a single variable it is easier to store this information in an array. Given that the grades are 56%, 34%, 75%, 89%, 78%, 87%, 71%, 67%, 98%, 85%, store the grades in an integer array as percents and convert them to decimals and store them in a double array.


Introducing Array



First create the skeleton structure of your program

public class CreatingArray{
  public static void main(){

Next, the two arrays to be used are integer and double, so we need to create the variables that will store these arrays.

int[] intArray;
double[] decimalArray;

These will go inside the main program. Now a new array must be created, this is done with the new keyword.

intArray = new int[10];
decimalArray = new double[10];

The 10 specifies the size of the array that you want to create. Now we will need to store the values inside


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