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{{1010PrAD|ProblemName=ASCII Art Examples
{{1010PrAD|ProblemName=ASCII Art Examples
|Problem= Write problem here...
|Problem= In this sample problem, we'll examine how to create a number of different "pictures" using two nested loops and printing characters to the console. These pictures include: a solid box, a solid box with a blank "X", an "X", a hollow box, a hollow box with an "X", and a right triangle.<br \>
<b>NOTE: If you want to see what each picture should look like, scroll down to the bottom of this page.</b><br \><br \>
The program will begin by prompting the user for a number. This number will represent the size for each picture that will be printed to the console. In essence, the size will represent the number of rows and columns for each picture. <br \>
<b>NOTE: For each picture in the solutions, we will assume the size (the number of rows and columns) to be 10.</b><br \><br \>
|SideSectionTitle=By Students...
|SideSection=I remember that I had to do something similar to this in one of my COMP 1010 labs a few years ago. In fact, it might actually still be one of the labs being taught today. This was actually a lot of fun! You can create some interesting designs just by hacking in random conditions. Try it out!
Taken from http://www.flickr.com/photos/daniello/565304023/
An image or By Students section
|Solution=Before we can actually start to think about solving these problems, we'll need a piece of paper and a pencil. Each picture can be represented by a 2-dimensional grid, so let's draw out a 10 x 10 grid on our piece of paper. It may look something like this:
|Solution=Write solution here...
  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
The best way in attempting to solve these problems is to draw each picture in the grid that we've drawn out. Let's use the picture of an "X" as an example:
  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
0|* |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|* |
1|__|* |__|__|__|__|__|__|* |__|
2|__|__|* |__|__|__|__|* |__|__|
3|__|__|__|* |__|__|* |__|__|__|
4|__|__|__|__|* |* |__|__|__|__|
5|__|__|__|__|* |* |__|__|__|__|
6|__|__|__|* |__|__|* |__|__|__|
7|__|__|* |__|__|__|__|* |__|__|
8|__|* |__|__|__|__|__|__|* |__|
9|* |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|* |
Now that we've drawn out the "X", let's try to figure out the pattern:<br \>
1. Start at position (0,0). Look at the X and Y values for this particular line through the grid. Each of the X and Y values are the same! This means that whenever position X is equal to position Y, then we'll draw a "*".<br \>
We've figured out the pattern for one of the two lines on the grid, now we need to figure out the pattern for the second line.<br \>
2. The second line starts at position (0,9), then at (1,8), then at (2,7), and so on... Try adding the X and Y values together for each occurrence of a "*" on the grid. You'll notice that the value is always equal to 9, which is also equal to size - 1. We've figured out the pattern for the second line through the grid!<br \><br \>
We now know that if any of the two conditions above hold while we iterate through our grid, then we'll print a "*", otherwise we'll print a " ". Now we just need to figure out how we'll iterate through our grid in code. We're going to use 2 nested for-loops to iterate through our grid. The outer for-loop will represent the current row, and the inner for-loop will represent the current column. The code will look something like this:<br \>
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
                // print a character in the current column
System.out.print("*"); // use print method to stay in the same row
}//end for
System.out.println(); // use println to go to the next row
}//end for
The way this works is:<br \>
*Start at row 0 and column 0<br \>
*Iterate through columns 0 to 9 (staying at row 0)<br \>
*Go to the next row (row 1)<br \>
*Iterate through columns 0 to 9 (staying at row 1)<br \>
*Repeat until we've iterated through all rows<br \>
<b>NOTE: We're always looking at one position in our grid at a time, and we're always going from left to right for each row</b><br \>
Now that we know how to iterate through our grid, and we know the pattern to create an "X" on our grid, let's put the two together. We've represented our rows with an integer i, and our columns with an integer j (in our nested for-loops). All we need to do is write the condition statements (the statements that tell us if we should print a "*" or a " "). We'll accomplish this using if-else statements. <br \>
As mentioned earlier, we only draw the line starting at position (0,0) when the current row is equal to the current column. Also, we only draw the line starting at position (0,9) when the current row plus the current column is equal to the size - 1. For every other case, we draw a " ". So, if we were to code this, we would write the following:
// drawing an 'X'
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
// if (curr row == curr column) OR (curr row + curr column == size-1)
if ( i == j || i + j == (size-1) )
}//end if
System.out.print(" ");
}//end else
}//end for
}//end for
One thing to realize when you code out your solution is that you should not include more than ONE if-statement. You may include an if-statement followed by an else-if-statement (or an else-statement) because only ONE of these conditions will execute their code. If we have two if-statements together and both are TRUE (meaning they will execute their code), then we'll have more than one character being printed for the current column. This will make our picture look a little sloppy. WE ONLY PRINT ONE CHARACTER PER POSITION IN OUR GRID.<br \><br \>
So far, we've created just one picture. Lets try another example. This time let's create the "hollow box" picture. To begin, we'll have to draw it out again, just like we did in the previous example. The "hollow box" will look something like this:<br \>
  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
0| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *|
1| *|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| *|
2| *|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| *|
3| *|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| *|
4| *|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| *|
5| *|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| *|
6| *|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| *|
7| *|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| *|
8| *|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| *|
9| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *|
Now, let's figure out the pattern. There are four lines, so there will be four conditions that we need to solve for:<br \>
#The top (line) of the box is only printed when the current row is equal to 0.
#The bottom (line) of the box is only printed when the current row is equal to 9 (size - 1).
#The left (line) of the box is only printed when the current column is equal to 0.
#The right (line) of the box is only printed when the current column is equal to 9 (size - 1).
Now that we know each of the conditions where we should print a "*", let's code it out:
// drawing a hollow box
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
if ((i == 0 || i == (size-1)) || (j == 0 || j == (size-1)) )
}//end if
System.out.print(" ");
}//end else
}//end for
}//end for
We've covered two examples so far (drawing an "X" and a "hollow box"). See if you can figure the rest out on your own. The solutions are provided below. If you can not solve one of the problems, try stepping through the solution and try to figure out the patterns for that particular problem. Have fun!
import javax.swing.*; // so we can use JOptionPane to get user input
public class ASCII_Art
public static void main(String[] args)
String input; // what we'll be using for input... we'll parse each input string to an int
int size; // we'll read this value in from the console
// this command allows the user to enter a number which will determine the size of our pictures
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a number for the size of each picture",null);
//now we need to parse our input string to an integer
size = Integer.parseInt(input);
//solid box
//we're just printing the same number of '*'s for each row
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
}//end for
}//end for
//solid box w/ an 'X'
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
if (i == j {{!}}{{!}} i + j == (size-1))
System.out.print(" ");
}//end if
}//end else
}//end for
}//end for
//an 'X'
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
if ( i == j {{!}}{{!}} i + j == (size-1) )
}//end if
System.out.print(" ");
}//end else
}//end for
}//end for
// a hollow box
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
if ((i == 0 {{!}}{{!}} i == (size-1)) {{!}}{{!}} (j == 0 {{!}}{{!}} j == (size-1)) )
}//end if
System.out.print(" ");
}//end else
}//end for
}//end for
//Hollow box w/ an 'X'
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
if (i == j {{!}}{{!}} j ==(size-1)-i)
}//end if
else if ((i == 0 {{!}}{{!}} i == (size-1)) {{!}}{{!}} (j == 0 {{!}}{{!}} j == (size-1)) )
}//end else if
System.out.print(" ");
}//end else
}//end for
}//end for
//right triangle
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
if (j <= i)
}//end if
System.out.print(" ");
}//end else
}//end for
}//end for
System.out.println("*** END OF PROCESSING. ***");
}//end main
}//end ASCII_Art
* ****** *
** **** **
*** ** ***
****  ****
****  ****
*** ** ***
** **** **
* ****** *
*        *
*      *
  *    * 
  *  * 
  *  * 
  *    * 
*      *
*        *
*        *
*        *
*        *
*        *
*        *
*        *
*        *
*        *
**      **
* *    * *
*  *  *  *
*  **  *
*  **  *
*  *  *  *
* *    * *
**      **

Latest revision as of 16:19, 11 April 2010

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In this sample problem, we'll examine how to create a number of different "pictures" using two nested loops and printing characters to the console. These pictures include: a solid box, a solid box with a blank "X", an "X", a hollow box, a hollow box with an "X", and a right triangle.
NOTE: If you want to see what each picture should look like, scroll down to the bottom of this page.

The program will begin by prompting the user for a number. This number will represent the size for each picture that will be printed to the console. In essence, the size will represent the number of rows and columns for each picture.
NOTE: For each picture in the solutions, we will assume the size (the number of rows and columns) to be 10.


By Students...

I remember that I had to do something similar to this in one of my COMP 1010 labs a few years ago. In fact, it might actually still be one of the labs being taught today. This was actually a lot of fun! You can create some interesting designs just by hacking in random conditions. Try it out!


Before we can actually start to think about solving these problems, we'll need a piece of paper and a pencil. Each picture can be represented by a 2-dimensional grid, so let's draw out a 10 x 10 grid on our piece of paper. It may look something like this:

   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

The best way in attempting to solve these problems is to draw each picture in the grid that we've drawn out. Let's use the picture of an "X" as an example:

   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
0|* |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|* |
1|__|* |__|__|__|__|__|__|* |__|
2|__|__|* |__|__|__|__|* |__|__|
3|__|__|__|* |__|__|* |__|__|__|
4|__|__|__|__|* |* |__|__|__|__|
5|__|__|__|__|* |* |__|__|__|__|
6|__|__|__|* |__|__|* |__|__|__|
7|__|__|* |__|__|__|__|* |__|__|
8|__|* |__|__|__|__|__|__|* |__|
9|* |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|* |

Now that we've drawn out the "X", let's try to figure out the pattern:

1. Start at position (0,0). Look at the X and Y values for this particular line through the grid. Each of the X and Y values are the same! This means that whenever position X is equal to position Y, then we'll draw a "*".

We've figured out the pattern for one of the two lines on the grid, now we need to figure out the pattern for the second line.

2. The second line starts at position (0,9), then at (1,8), then at (2,7), and so on... Try adding the X and Y values together for each occurrence of a "*" on the grid. You'll notice that the value is always equal to 9, which is also equal to size - 1. We've figured out the pattern for the second line through the grid!

We now know that if any of the two conditions above hold while we iterate through our grid, then we'll print a "*", otherwise we'll print a " ". Now we just need to figure out how we'll iterate through our grid in code. We're going to use 2 nested for-loops to iterate through our grid. The outer for-loop will represent the current row, and the inner for-loop will represent the current column. The code will look something like this:

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) 
	for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) 
                // print a character in the current column
		System.out.print("*"); // use print method to stay in the same row
		}//end for
		System.out.println(); // use println to go to the next row
}//end for

The way this works is:

  • Start at row 0 and column 0
  • Iterate through columns 0 to 9 (staying at row 0)
  • Go to the next row (row 1)
  • Iterate through columns 0 to 9 (staying at row 1)
  • Repeat until we've iterated through all rows

NOTE: We're always looking at one position in our grid at a time, and we're always going from left to right for each row

Now that we know how to iterate through our grid, and we know the pattern to create an "X" on our grid, let's put the two together. We've represented our rows with an integer i, and our columns with an integer j (in our nested for-loops). All we need to do is write the condition statements (the statements that tell us if we should print a "*" or a " "). We'll accomplish this using if-else statements.

As mentioned earlier, we only draw the line starting at position (0,0) when the current row is equal to the current column. Also, we only draw the line starting at position (0,9) when the current row plus the current column is equal to the size - 1. For every other case, we draw a " ". So, if we were to code this, we would write the following:

// drawing an 'X'
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
	for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
		// if (curr row == curr column) OR (curr row + curr column == size-1) 
		if ( i == j || i + j == (size-1) )
		}//end if
			System.out.print(" ");
		}//end else
	}//end for
}//end for

One thing to realize when you code out your solution is that you should not include more than ONE if-statement. You may include an if-statement followed by an else-if-statement (or an else-statement) because only ONE of these conditions will execute their code. If we have two if-statements together and both are TRUE (meaning they will execute their code), then we'll have more than one character being printed for the current column. This will make our picture look a little sloppy. WE ONLY PRINT ONE CHARACTER PER POSITION IN OUR GRID.

So far, we've created just one picture. Lets try another example. This time let's create the "hollow box" picture. To begin, we'll have to draw it out again, just like we did in the previous example. The "hollow box" will look something like this:

   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
0| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *|
1| *|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| *|
2| *|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| *|
3| *|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| *|
4| *|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| *|
5| *|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| *|
6| *|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| *|
7| *|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| *|
8| *|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| *|
9| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *|

Now, let's figure out the pattern. There are four lines, so there will be four conditions that we need to solve for:

  1. The top (line) of the box is only printed when the current row is equal to 0.
  2. The bottom (line) of the box is only printed when the current row is equal to 9 (size - 1).
  3. The left (line) of the box is only printed when the current column is equal to 0.
  4. The right (line) of the box is only printed when the current column is equal to 9 (size - 1).

Now that we know each of the conditions where we should print a "*", let's code it out:

// drawing a hollow box
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
	for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
		if ((i == 0 || i == (size-1)) || (j == 0 || j == (size-1)) )
		}//end if
			System.out.print(" ");
		}//end else
	}//end for
}//end for

We've covered two examples so far (drawing an "X" and a "hollow box"). See if you can figure the rest out on your own. The solutions are provided below. If you can not solve one of the problems, try stepping through the solution and try to figure out the patterns for that particular problem. Have fun!


Solution Code

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