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== Overview ==
|Chapter_TOC=[[Common Components]]
=== Definitions ===
Definitons are technical terms known only to those in your profession.  
When writing you have to be sure that your reader understands the terms and topics you use in your writing. By properly using ''Definitions'' and ''Descriptions'' you can be sure that your audience always understands what you're writing about. Poor use of definitions and descriptions limits audience’s understanding of the content of your writing. Furthermore, it discourages the reader from reading and their attention is lost right away. In this section you will learn about what Definitions and Descriptions are and how they will help you write better.
|...by students=
<big>'''If you are ever going to write instructions on something technical, please read this'''</big>}}
=== Descriptions ===
Descriptions are a way of explaing the steps in a process in a way that the reader understands how to do that process. This is often confused with an instruction which is a way of describing a sequence of steps in a process so that the reader can perform those steps.
== Overview ==
Now that you know what this chapter is all about lets get into what definitions and descriptions are.
==== Definitions ====
Definitions are explanations of technical terms known only to those in your profession.
==== Descriptions ====
A good way to explain what a description it to say it is like an expanded definition. As the name implies when you are writing a description you are trying to describe something. This is different than a definition because while when writing a definition you are  clarifying a technical term, when writing a description you are describing an action.
== Writing Good Definitions ==
Even the best written document would be nothing without proper definitions. Without definitions readers will be left wondering of the meaning of certain technical terms. Including definitions when writing lets readers of less technical backgrounds know what more advanced terms are. Readers that are more advanced also benefit because they can go back and reference terms that they aren't completely sure of. When writing definitions you should use the following guidelines.
====Keep it simple ====
When writing a definition keep it simple. Writing a definition that is overly long with other technical terms in it is just going to defeat the purpose of writing that definition in the first place. There are three formats you should choose from when writing definitions.
1. '''Informal Definition'''
    Very brief. This is often in parentheses right by the word being defined.
2. '''Formal Definition'''
    This is a full sentence.
3. '''Expanded Definition'''
    This is the most lengthy of the three formats to choose from. This type of definition may be a paragraph or more.
=====When Should I Use An Informal Definition?=====
*Remember that informal definitions are very brief and often come after the word that is being defined. Use an informal definition when you are defining a term that most users should know. Using an informal definition keeps the reader moving and doesn't disrupt the flow of a paragraph.
You can use a '''browser''' (Software that allows you to view pages on the internet) to make deposits into your online banking account.
As you see here the definition comes right after the word being defined. It is short and to the point.
=====When should I Use A Formal Definition?=====
*A formal definition is a proper sentence. It should list three things (1) the term that is being defined, (2) a class that that term belongs to, and (3) features of that term.
A web browser is a computer program that allows a user to view pages on the internet.
In the above example the '''browser''' is the term, '''computer program''' is the class, and '''view pages on the internet''' shows the features of the term being defined.
=====When should I Use Expanded Definitions?=====
*A brief sentence or point form note may not always be enough to adequately define a term for a user. In this case you should use an expanded definition. An expanded definition consists of three parts (1) an overview of the topic, (2) supporting information, (3) conclusion or closing comments at the end.
== Writing Good Descriptions ==
== Writing Good Descriptions ==
Often when writing you are faced with a scenario where you need to explain to the reader how something is done. This is where writing a proper definition will help you get your point across. A description should attempt to answer these 6 basic questions to the reader.
1. Know your audience.
*What is it that is being described?
Knowing your audience when writing proper decriptions is key. You should ask yourself several questions before you start writing: (Textbook citation)
*What is it for?
- How much detail are you supposed to include in your description?
*What does it look like?
- What is the technical background of the persons who will be reading your description?
*What are the most important items or functions?
- Are all the readers of the same techinical background?
*What exactly is the item(s) composed of?
*Why is it important?
Considering who you will be writing for will make sure you write something that is understandable for everyone. Remember when writing for an audience that is of mixed backgrounds that you should write for the members of the audience with the least amount of knowledge. In this way you will be sure that everyone that is to read your descriptions can understand them.  
The depth of each answer depends on the audience and the type of definition you are writing. Certain questions may be omitted, but always try to keep these questions in the back of your mind when writing a description.
====Know your audience====
2. Follow the ABC format.
Knowing your audience when writing proper descriptions is key. You should ask yourself several questions before you start writing:
The ABC format (Abstract / Body / Conclusion) should be followed when writing a description.
*How much detail are you supposed to include in your description?
*What is the technical background of the persons who will be reading your description?
*Are all the readers of the same technical background?
In the Abstract you should include:
Considering who you will be writing for will make sure you write something that is understandable for everyone. Remember when writing for an audience that is of mixed backgrounds, you should write for the members of the audience with the least amount of knowledge on the subject. This way everyone reading your descriptions can understand them.
- A summary of your topic.
- You should also answer the five W's. (Who, What, Where, When, Why)
In the Body you should include:
====Accuracy is key====
- Step by step process that moves through the steps involved in the process. This can be done either by writing a            paragraph or by having a list of steps.
In the conclusions
Being accurate when writing a description allows the reader to understand what you are trying to describe. The length of your description will depend on it's purpose.
- Conclude the entire process.
- This section helps end the description without just stopping with the last step in the process.  
3. Use an objective point of view.
==== Have an Organization Plan ====
4. Choose the right amount of detail.
Just as when you are writing a large document you need to plan out the sections of your description. Descriptions should be written to be read as stand alone sections.  
=== Example ===
=== Common Mistakes ===
There are three sections you should include when writing a description.
== Writing Good Definitions ==
*'''1. Describe the Parts''' - In the first section you should try and describe all of the parts involved.
*'''2. Describe Function''' - Since you have talked about what is involved in what you are describing in the next section you should talk about how each individual part works.
*'''3. Describe the Sequence''' - In the last section you should describe in the correct sequence the series of events that are needed to complete whatever it is you may be describing.
==== Use of Analogies and Graphics ====
The use of Analogies and Graphics are a great way to clarify what you are writing about to the reader.
When trying to describe a complicated idea or item the use of a graphic is a great way to clarify to the reader what you are describing. For example when a reader may be going through your description of parts you could include a graphic with a picture of all the parts.
Analogies are another great tool that will help readers understand something that may not be common to them. An analogy (A way to describe something that isn't known in terms of something that is known) lets readers connect ideas together.
The analogy is in italic.
The new Plasti-glass composite mock glass compound has a positive glide ratio that will let nothing get stuck to it. Anything that does will be repelled by the patented no stick chemical contained within, ''much like a hockey puck gliding on ice''.
=== Example ===
==== Visualizing Test ====
=== Common Mistakes ===
A sure fire way to test the effectiveness of the description you have just written is to give it the visualizing test. Read your description to someone who is not familiar with the topic you wrote about. If that person can draw a rough sketch of what you are describing then you have a good description.

Latest revision as of 14:18, 11 April 2008

COMP3040 > Common Components


When writing you have to be sure that your reader understands the terms and topics you use in your writing. By properly using Definitions and Descriptions you can be sure that your audience always understands what you're writing about. Poor use of definitions and descriptions limits audience’s understanding of the content of your writing. Furthermore, it discourages the reader from reading and their attention is lost right away. In this section you will learn about what Definitions and Descriptions are and how they will help you write better.


Now that you know what this chapter is all about lets get into what definitions and descriptions are.


Definitions are explanations of technical terms known only to those in your profession.


A good way to explain what a description it to say it is like an expanded definition. As the name implies when you are writing a description you are trying to describe something. This is different than a definition because while when writing a definition you are clarifying a technical term, when writing a description you are describing an action.

Writing Good Definitions

Even the best written document would be nothing without proper definitions. Without definitions readers will be left wondering of the meaning of certain technical terms. Including definitions when writing lets readers of less technical backgrounds know what more advanced terms are. Readers that are more advanced also benefit because they can go back and reference terms that they aren't completely sure of. When writing definitions you should use the following guidelines.

Keep it simple

When writing a definition keep it simple. Writing a definition that is overly long with other technical terms in it is just going to defeat the purpose of writing that definition in the first place. There are three formats you should choose from when writing definitions.

1. Informal Definition
   Very brief. This is often in parentheses right by the word being defined. 
2. Formal Definition
   This is a full sentence. 
3. Expanded Definition
   This is the most lengthy of the three formats to choose from. This type of definition may be a paragraph or more.


When Should I Use An Informal Definition?
  • Remember that informal definitions are very brief and often come after the word that is being defined. Use an informal definition when you are defining a term that most users should know. Using an informal definition keeps the reader moving and doesn't disrupt the flow of a paragraph.
You can use a browser (Software that allows you to view pages on the internet) to make deposits into your online banking account. 

As you see here the definition comes right after the word being defined. It is short and to the point.

When should I Use A Formal Definition?
  • A formal definition is a proper sentence. It should list three things (1) the term that is being defined, (2) a class that that term belongs to, and (3) features of that term.
A web browser is a computer program that allows a user to view pages on the internet.

In the above example the browser is the term, computer program is the class, and view pages on the internet shows the features of the term being defined.

When should I Use Expanded Definitions?
  • A brief sentence or point form note may not always be enough to adequately define a term for a user. In this case you should use an expanded definition. An expanded definition consists of three parts (1) an overview of the topic, (2) supporting information, (3) conclusion or closing comments at the end.

Writing Good Descriptions

Often when writing you are faced with a scenario where you need to explain to the reader how something is done. This is where writing a proper definition will help you get your point across. A description should attempt to answer these 6 basic questions to the reader.

  • What is it that is being described?
  • What is it for?
  • What does it look like?
  • What are the most important items or functions?
  • What exactly is the item(s) composed of?
  • Why is it important?

The depth of each answer depends on the audience and the type of definition you are writing. Certain questions may be omitted, but always try to keep these questions in the back of your mind when writing a description.

Know your audience

Knowing your audience when writing proper descriptions is key. You should ask yourself several questions before you start writing:

  • How much detail are you supposed to include in your description?
  • What is the technical background of the persons who will be reading your description?
  • Are all the readers of the same technical background?

Considering who you will be writing for will make sure you write something that is understandable for everyone. Remember when writing for an audience that is of mixed backgrounds, you should write for the members of the audience with the least amount of knowledge on the subject. This way everyone reading your descriptions can understand them.

Accuracy is key

Being accurate when writing a description allows the reader to understand what you are trying to describe. The length of your description will depend on it's purpose.

Have an Organization Plan

Just as when you are writing a large document you need to plan out the sections of your description. Descriptions should be written to be read as stand alone sections.

There are three sections you should include when writing a description.

  • 1. Describe the Parts - In the first section you should try and describe all of the parts involved.
  • 2. Describe Function - Since you have talked about what is involved in what you are describing in the next section you should talk about how each individual part works.
  • 3. Describe the Sequence - In the last section you should describe in the correct sequence the series of events that are needed to complete whatever it is you may be describing.

Use of Analogies and Graphics

The use of Analogies and Graphics are a great way to clarify what you are writing about to the reader.

Graphics When trying to describe a complicated idea or item the use of a graphic is a great way to clarify to the reader what you are describing. For example when a reader may be going through your description of parts you could include a graphic with a picture of all the parts.

Analogies Analogies are another great tool that will help readers understand something that may not be common to them. An analogy (A way to describe something that isn't known in terms of something that is known) lets readers connect ideas together.

The analogy is in italic.
The new Plasti-glass composite mock glass compound has a positive glide ratio that will let nothing get stuck to it. Anything that does will be repelled by the patented no stick chemical contained within, much like a hockey puck gliding on ice.

Visualizing Test

A sure fire way to test the effectiveness of the description you have just written is to give it the visualizing test. Read your description to someone who is not familiar with the topic you wrote about. If that person can draw a rough sketch of what you are describing then you have a good description.