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Wiki 1010 Table of Contents

Chapter #

This page contains a glossary of terms used within the wiki along with definitions.

  Write a Program a Day Case Studies

Table of Contents


- A -

  • Argument - A value passed to a method's parameter during a method call.
  • Array- An object that can contain many values of the same type. [ABU]
  • Array Length - Array length means the maximum size of the array. [ABU]

- B -

  • Binary - A numbering system that uses only the digits 0 and 1. Any number can be represented in binary: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... = 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, ...
  • Bit - The smallest unit of information in a computer, with a value of either 0 or 1.

- C -

  • Control Statement - A statement that returns a boolean value usually used to denote conditions for an if statement or the end case of a loop.

- H -

  • Hexadecimal - (sometimes abbreviated to hex) A numbering system that uses a total of 16 digits: 0-9, A-F. A-F represent the decimal values 10-15, with the hex value 10 representing 16, hex 11 representing 17, and so on.

- I -

  • If - A Java keyword that is used to perform a conditional test and execute a block of statements if the test evaluates to true.

- K -

  • Keyword - In Java programming language, some words are set aside as keywords - these words are reserved by the language itself and therefore are not available as names for variables or methods.

- L -

- M -

  • Main Method - The method which Java runs when it is told to execute a class.

- N -

  • Nested Method Call - A method call in which another method call is used as an argument.

- P -

  • Parameter - An input value which that a method expects.
  • Primitive Data Type - A primitive data type is a basic variable type that computer itself can understand. In Java char, int, float and double are all primitive data types.
  • Parallel Array - Parallel arrays are used to create create connected lists of data. See Parallel Arrays

- R -

  • Return Value - A value that a method which is finished running passes to its caller.
  • Reference Variable - A variable that is used as a pointer (or an address) to an object. [ABU]

- S -

  • String - A String is an array of characters that Java treats in a special way, allowing you to mainpulate it more easily.
  • Sequential - Sequential refers to doing one thing at a time; in order. An example would be when searching an array, we would check element 0, then element 1, then element 2, ..., element n.

- U -

  • User - The person who is giving input to and interpreting output from your program.
  • User-Defined Method - A section of code which is declared once in a program, then used by other code sections.