Assignment 1

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It is the night before your first Technical Communications assignment is due for peer editing. You must write three documents for three different audiences, with three different purposes. First you must write an article for The Manitoban to introduce the general student body to the COMP1010 wiki, and inform them of applications of new technology on campus. Second, you must introduce new COMP1010 students to the wiki and explain its helpful features. Finally, you will describe the COMP1010 wiki in a letter to Computer Science alumni, raising awareness of the department and soliciting financial support.

4 Steps lie between you and sleep:

  1. Brainstorm ideas and complete a planning form for each document.
  2. Compose an outlines for each document.
  3. Write a first draft for each document.
  4. Revise each draft until you think they are perfect.

Avoid Common Pitfalls



Applied Topics

  1. Purpose
  2. Audience
  3. Ideas and Outlining
  4. Organizing and Writing the First Draft
  5. Editing and Revising