Editing and Revising

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Revision as of 19:41, 12 April 2008 by Aliasger (Talk | contribs)

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Editing and Revising is the final stage of the writing process that allows you to transform the draft you have into a flawless piece of writing. Essentially, this is where you 'hunt' for mistakes and take a look at the whole document to see if things make sense and sound right.

The course text suggests the following steps to be taken for this final stage:

1. Adjusting and reorganizing content
2. Editing for style
3. Editing for grammar
4. Editing for mechanics


Revision Step 1: Adjust and Reorganize Content

Revision Step 2: Edit for Style

Revision Step 3: Edit for Grammar

Revision Step 4: Edit for Mechanics

Revision Step 5: Add Content