Technical Communication in Computer Science (COMP 3040)

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Learn the communication skills you need to succeed in your career as a Computer Scientist. Learn about effective writing in all forms of documents you may encounter on the job. Gain insight into all aspects of oral and written communication so that you can express yourself effectively and appropriately in all scenarios. Develop essential oral presentation skills through studying the fundamentals of great presentations and through analysis of your own performance.

...By Students

"One of the best courses in CS, hands down. There is no end to the usefulness of topics presented. This stuff will stay with you for life."

"Soft skills are just as, if not more important than technical skills."

"Useful not only in your career as a Computer Scientist (essential skills for Co-op students!), but also in your daily life."

I found that this course gently brought me out of my timid shell with the aid of an oral presentation assignment and taught me that writing is all about your audience (be careful not to obscure meaning with the use of big word). We laid emphasis on the communication aspect first and elegance in word choice second. This is not an english course, so you would learn to feel free and comfortable when relating t your audience. Also, just when I thought it couldnt get any better, I found out that we can actually re-submit past assignments for re grading at the end of the course.


Must be enrolled in 3rd Year (or higher) Computer Science Majors or Honours program

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