Count the Vowel

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COMP 1010 Home > Back to Extra Labs


In this lab, you will learn how to use String methods in Python.


Write a Python program that counts the number of vowels in a string given by the user.

Step 1:

First, we need 3 variables:

  • input - holding the user's input
  • done - control the while loop
  • vowelCount - count the number of vowel
     done = False
    vowelCount = 0 

    Step 2:

    Second, we need get the input using raw_input(prompt).

     #get the input from user
    input = raw_input("Enter a sentence")
    if input != '': 

    Step 3:

    Third, we need to check the vowel.

     input = input.lower()
    for char in inputs:
      #//check if it's a vowel
      if char == 'a' : 

    Step 4:

    Then we need to use while loop to print the output.

      #output result
      print '\nVowel count: %d\nVowel percentage: %d%%' % \
      (vowelCount, vowelCount * 100 / leng(input)) 

    Now we're done. You should write a complete program.


     def main():
      done = False
      vowelCount = 0
        input = raw_input("Enter a sentence")
        if input == '':
          done = True
          #convert input to lower case
          input = input.lower()
          for char in inputs:
            #//check if it's a vowel
            if char == 'a' or char == 'e' or char == 'i' or char == 'o' or char == 'u' :
              vowelCount++;     #increase vowel count
          print '\nVowel count: %d\nVowel percentage: %d%%' % \
                (vowelCount, vowelCount * 100 / leng(input))