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COMP3040 > Common Components


The intro text. students


Guidelines for Instructions


Guideline 1: Select the Correct Technical Level

Know your audience! You'll want to write your instructions in such a way that your least technical readers can understand them. Use language that all readers can understand, defining terms beforehand as needed.

Guideline 2: Provide Introductory Information

Providing proper introductory information is key. Instructions should follow the ABC format (Abstract/Body/Conclusion).

An introduction should include:

  • a purpose statement (What will following these instruction accomplish?)
  • a summary of the main steps (Briefly describe what following the steps will involve.)
  • a list of materials needed (Whether you use an illustration, a textual list, or reference to a list, readers need to know beforehand whether they have all the proper tools.)

Other introductory information that may help readers:

  • Helpful pointers
  • Definitions of terms
  • Theory of how something works
  • Dangers, warnings, cautions, or notes that apply to all steps

Guideline 3: Use Numbered Lists in the Body

Instructions are much easier to read as lists of steps, rather than longer paragraphs. Keep in mind that readers may frequently switch their attention between your instructions and the actual task. Using numbered lists, readers can always know what step they're at.

Guideline 4: Group Steps under Task Headings

It is a good idea to group steps into logical, labeled stages, rather than using one long list with no groupings. This will help the reader both follow and better understand the process.

Example: (Good)
Task 1:
  1. step 1
  2. step 2
Task 2:
  1. step 3
  2. step 4
Example: (Bad)
  1. step 1
  2. step 2
  3. step 3
  4. step 4

Guideline 5: Place One Action in a Step


Guideline 6: Lead off Each Action Step with a Verb


Guideline 7: Remove Extra Information from the Step


Guideline 8: Use Bullets or Letters for Emphasis


Guideline 9: Emphasize Cautions, Warnings, and Dangers


Guideline 10: Keep a Simple Style


Guideline 11: Use Graphics


Guideline 12: Test Your Instructions
