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1260 Main Page

Chapter Introduction

Hardware is the physical component of a computer, anything you can touch is considered hardware. Keyboards, monitors and hard drives are all examples of hardware. A hard drive for example is basically a magnetic disk, in which stores data.When saving a file, your operating system tells the hard drive where on the disk to save the file.

While it may be impossible to know every detail how hardware works, it helps to know at least some. Much like a car, its handy to to have a general idea about how a computer works. This knowledge is especially handy when purchasing a new computer, software or upgrading your old computer. CPU speed, hard drive capacity and RAM size are 3 important benchmarks to consider before purchasing a computer or software. You can see the components of your computer by removing the side walls of your tower. Before you do some caution is advised, opening your computer voids the warranty and the components inside a computer are sensitive to static shock.

Image goes here.

Input/Output and Storage

Keyboards, Mice and Other Input Devices



Hard Drives

External Storage

System Hardware



Technology Matters!


Cool Hardware Topic 2

Cool Hardware Topic 3