Week 5

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This question will help you practice with some string methods and for loops.

Complete the program Palindrom that checks if a word is palindrome.
If the word is palindrome, print out "It's a palindrome." using System.out.println().
Otherwise, print out reversed order of the word.

For example, "deed" and "civic" are palindromes.
"tomato" and "mama" are not palindromes.

Two strings are provided and find out whether they are palindromes or not.
The program that you need to complete is provided below.

public class Palindrome 
	public static void main(String[] args)
		String testWord1 = "Arewenotdrawnonward,wefew,drawnonwardtonewera"
		String testWord2 = "Murderforajarofredrum"
		// Your code goes here

...by students

Taken from http://www.flickr.com/photos/daniello/565304023/

An image or By Students section


First of all, you will need to declare two string objects to get reversed words.
You will need to INITIALIZE the strings, which means make the strings empty.

String reverse1 = ""
String reverse2 = ""

Then, you will need first for loop to reverse the first word. This loop will start from 0 and finishes looping when i >= testWord1.length.
The increment will be 1 since we are getting each character from the string.

for(int i = 0; i < testWord1.length(); i++)

Once you have the for loop set up, you will need to go through each letter of the string, using charAt(i) and concatenate the letters in reverse order.
The peusdo-code below concatenates each letter of the string in reversed order.

reverse1 = get the letters of the str by charAt(i) + reverse1

Then, you will need another for loop to reverse testWord2. This time, we will use some other approach and make the for loop start from the end.
It's strongly recommended to try this way, because you will have better idea how the for loop works.

for(int i = testWord2.length()-1; i >= 0; i--)

The code above starts from the length of the testWord2 - 1, ends when i becomes less than 0. Why does it have to start from the string length - 1?
It's because there is no character at the length of the string. See the example below.
What is the length of the string, str = "apple"? It's 5.
What is the index of the last character e in the string? It's 4!!

If you try to get a character at str.charAt(5), then you will get run-time errors.
This is very important to know and you will be facing many variations of these errors later.

Now, back to the question.
We have to decrement it by 1 now, because we are getting from the end character of the string.
How would concatenation work now?

reverse2 = reverse2 + letters of the str by charAt(i)

str = "abcde"

reverse = reverse + charAt(i) of str from end would be

Once you have the two words reversed, you will need a condition statement to check if they are palindromes.

if testWord == reversedTestWord
     Then, print out success
     print out reservedTestWord

One thing to note is, strings cannot be compared using '==' sings.
You will need a special method called:


  • If you want to check without matching cases, use

See below for the solution code.


Solution Code

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