ReverseArray Method

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Today we'll look at sending an array to a different method, modifying the array, and returning the array to the original method.

Let's again expand on the printArray program with another additional twist. Recall you created a method to print the names of students stored in different arrays for different classes. You have now discovered that it would be useful to be able to print the names of the students in reverse order, and must add a method to the program to do this.

Take the sample solution from printArray below and add a reverseArray method to it. This method should accept an array of Strings as input and return a reversed version of this String array as output.

public class PrintArray{
	public static void main (String [] args){
		String [] comp1010 = { "Adam", "Bob", "Carl", "David", "Edward"};	
		String [] comp1020 = { "Amy", "Beth", "Cindy", "Dawn", "Ellen"};
		String [] comp1260 = { "Mike", "Mary", "Matthew", "Megan", "Moe"};

		System.out.println("COMP 1010:");
		System.out.println("COMP 1020:");
		System.out.println("COMP 1260:");

		System.out.println("--End of Processing--");

	public static void printArray(String [] courseList){
		for (int i=0; i<courseList.length;i++){		
Use the printArray method to print out the class lists in their original order, and then in reversed order.

Arrays and Methods

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To make your reverseArray method work, use a for loop to cycle through a second array from start to finish, and use a seperate int, decrimented each loop, to cycle through the original array from end to start. In each iteration of the loop, copy the entry from the old array to the new one, and return the new array.


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