Introductory Computer Science 1 (COMP 1010)

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COMP 1010, or Introductory Computer Science 1 is the introductory programming course offered at the University of Manitoba. It is a prerequisite for further studies in Computer Science, Engineering, and some fields of Mathematics. This is an introductory programming course. You will learn fundamental programming concepts such as: control statements, for loops and arrays, how to write a program using Java, and how to set up a computer to run your program. The purpose of this course is to help students that do not have any programming experience to get started in writing computer programs. Hence, no computer programming knowledge is required prior taking this course.

...By Students

Textpad is the recommended tool for programming on a Windows machine.

"A bit boring for those who have programmed before, but nevertheless a thorough and enjoyable refresher."


Any Grade 12 or 40S Mathematics or equivalent.

Course Homepage

COMP 1010

Official Description
