Social Relevance of Computer Science

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The importance of computer science has never been greater and society is just discovering new ways to build small useful devices that require software. Just about anything electronic that is used to today requires software inside. New technologies require innovation in the way computer science delivers solutions to enable these technologies.



Why Computer Science

You may have wondered why you would peruse a career in Computer Science when there are so many other interesting career choices out there. The thought of sitting behind a computer for long periods of time writing code, doesn’t sound like a dream job. So why would anyone consider studying in this field? Well that is an excellent question. There are many areas where computers are making a real difference in peoples lives.

Computer Science is at the center in a wide variety of cutting edge techonologies in society: Medical technology, telecommunications, artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, particle physics, and speech recognition are just some of the areas where computer science is making a real difference.

As an example in the medical field, computer science is responsible for everything from controlling delivery systems in Radiation Therapy for Cancer Patients, to storing a complete patients electronic health record. Vast quantities of data stored that will enable outcomes and evidence based care to enable physicians to treat patients with the best available information.

Can you imagine what it would be like to not have a cell phone? Its not only the electronics of the phone, and the physics of radio frequency transmission, is also the software that control the switching networks that allow one phone to connect to another. What would you do if you couldn't text message you BFF (Best Friend Forever)?

There are very few things in life where computer science has not had an impact. The social relevance of computers is found in everyday items such as phones, tv's, cars, etc. Without computers and the science behind them, a lot of the technologies we currently take for granted would not exist.