Application Software

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1260 Main Page

Chapter Introduction

Software can is used as a broad term to describe anything that isn’t hardware, but in fact software is simply a set of instructions that allow a computer to perform a task. There are many types of software and in this chapter we will cover application software. Application software is software a user interacts with in order to perform a useful task. Anything from word processors to video games can be considered application software. Application software still requires system software to fully function. System software is responsible for managing resources and hardware and will be covered in chapter 2.

On campus you will need access to a word processor to complete written assignments. Handwritten work is not acceptable at the University of Manitoba. Word processing software such as Microsoft Word can be packaged along with other application software into software suites. Microsoft Office includes word processing, spread sheet, database, and many others. In the case that you do not want to purchase software, there are many freeware alternatives available such as Open Office. If you do not own a computer, you are free to use the open area computer labs around campus which contain all the software you will need to complete your homework. Office software is commonly used in business, and is a core component of Comp 1260.

Image goes here.

Software Concepts

Freeware and Shareware

How is Software Created?

Using Software

Software Suites

Web Software

Software at the U of M

Viruses and Virus Checkers

Installing and Uninstalling

Technology Matters!

"Borrowing" Software

Applications for PDAs, Blackberry's and iPhones

What is Cloud Computing?