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3040 Main Page

Chapter Introduction

If there is anything better than learning from your own mistakes, it is learning from the mistakes of others. This chapter will give you the rare opportunity to see what common mistakes previous students have made, as well as what has been done very well. This chapter also contains actual assignments, complete with marker comments, that were quite well done. Avoid the pitfalls and learn from the good examples.


Assignment 1: Multiple Audiences

The first assignment will help you familiarize yourself with the writing process. You will need to write about a single topic to multiple audiences. This will introduce you to the differences and the challenges of writing to different audiences.

Assignment 2: Email & Report

The second assignment focuses on a single audience. The challenge of this assignment is explaining a technical subject to an audience that lacks a technical background. There is a twist too; you will explain a subject that you most likely will not be familiar with. This assignment will also introduce you to the proper writing styles for emails and reports.

Assignment 3: Oral Presentation

For the third assignment you will explain at subject that you are familiar with to an audience of your peers. The challenge of this assignment is that it is not presented on paper, rather it is presented on your feet.

Assignment 5: Group Help Documentation

Once again you will be writing about something you won't be the expert in. You will be writing an instructional document for a technical subject. The document will be read by people from a wide variety of backgrounds. This fifth assignment will require you to put everything you've learn into practice. As an added challenge, this assignment will be done in groups.