Tips For ESL Students

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This appendix will offer some thoughts on how the ESL students learn Comp1010 when they first start studying Computer Science.




ESL students face many difficulties when learning how to program in English, such as misunderstanding concepts and learning to be comfortable with thinking logically in a computer language. In this appendix, I will apply the "why, what, how, and when" to learning a computer language in English.

Why use English to learn COMP1010

If we always translate all the concepts of computer language into our own language, we will have difficulty in understanding the meanings of them. For example, if we translate a concept “roll back” into Chinese, we can find out that there are four different meanings in dictionary. Hence, the misunderstanding of concepts of computer language will tend to serious confusion and influence us continuing our study. Another advantage of learning computer language in English is that you will adapt to programming thought faster than using your own language. Therefore, the best way is to start your programming learning in English.

What we need

In order to precisely realize the syntax, grammar, and meaning of concepts, I highly recommend you to have two tool books. One is English to English computer dictionary, another is English dictionary of computer abbreviation. These two dictionaries will be the best friends for you to start learning programming. Contrarily, if you use the dictionaries in other languages, you will miss the deep meaning of the concepts of computer language. Another important thing is that you need to reinstall your computer operation system and even all of application software such as Microsoft Office to English version. It will help you avoid learning programming in your own language.

How to learn

Before going to class, you need to pre-read the textbook so that you can catch up with the progress in class activity. When you have questions, do not hesitate to ask your professor or classmates. Of cause, talking to English students is your first choice. Computer language is a language therefore you need to practice every day. The best way to do so is to avoid finishing your homework in one day. One more suggestion I have is read a book, "Computer Essentials”, published by McGraw-Hill. This is an elementary reading material for the students who are newly involved in programming.

When to learn

No matter when you study programming, you should insist on using English to learn programming. For example, when you look for some helps from website, you should go English website first instead of the website in your own language.


Learn programming in English not only gives you a clear understanding of the concept, syntax and grammar, but also offers you how to adapt the western peoples’ thought since all foundations of computer language are based on this kind of thought. After you insist on using English to study programming in couple months, you will see that you have find the way to learn programming.