Area Calculation

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It's time to replace the ceiling in your living room, but you are not sure how much it will cost? The required materials cost $8 per square foot plus an installation fee of $500. Your roommate has agreed to pay half, and you have a coupon for $50 off the total cost. Write a program that accepts the length and width (as integers) of a room. Calculate the total cost (as a double) of ceiling by multiplying the square footage by the price per square foot, plus installation. Your program will print total square footage, total cost, and your cost (half the total cost less the coupon)

Step 1: Get inputs/outputs needed to solve the problem

You will need the following variables in order to solve this problem.

  • costPSF - The cost of materials per square foot.
  • coupon - The coupon that will be used for the discount
  • installFee - The installation fee
  • length - The length of the ceiling
  • width - The width of the ceiling
  • area - The area that is to be calculated
  • totalCost - The total cost of replacing your ceiling
  • input - Python keyword used to get input from the user

Step 2: Write the program

 # This program is used to calculate the area
# and cost of replacing the ceiling in your 
# living room 

costPSF = 8
coupon = 50
installFee = 500

length = input("Input length:")
width   = input("Input width:")

area = length * width
totalCost = (area * costPSF) + installFee

print "Total area: %f " % area + "square feet"
print "Total cost: $%f"  % totalCost
print "Your cost: $%f" % ((totalCost / 2) - coupon) 

Step 3: Display the output of the program

Sample output with length = 20 and width = 30

 Total area: 600 square feet
Total cost: $5300.0
Your cost: $2600.0 

Step 4: Contrast with Calculating Area in program a day example

This Python program performs exactly the same function as the Java Calculate area program in Program a Day. But, there only some slight differences as shown below.

  • Python programming language uses the keywords input or raw_input to get input from the user.
  • Python programming language does not declare variables as would be done in Java. For example: coupon = 50

as compared to Java int coupon = 50.

  • Python uses the key word print for output whereas Java uses System.out.println