Bluring the Boundaries

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COMP3040 > Role and Importance of Technical Communication


Writing is usually broken into three categories Academic, Technical, Non-Technical. Inside of these categories there are many different types of writings and communications.

The Boundary

The boundary is not as concrete as you might think. Here is a list of different types of communications:

  • Novels
  • Talk Shows
  • Newspapers
  • Poetry
  • Instruction Manuals
  • Nightly News
  • Restaurant menus
  • Journal Articles

You would think that some of these types could be easily defined into categories. Poetry must surely be non-technical, but what if it is a poem describing how to build birdhouse, or a poem that you use to help you remember the order of the colors in the rainbow?

Certain technical documents take the from of a traditionally non-technical document, such as Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby[1] which is written as a story and also includes comic strips.