COMP 1020

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COMP 1020, or Introductory Computer Science 2 further introduce you to computer programming principles. The concept of object orientation programming approach, data structure and algorithm will be discussed in this course.

Further Information

For more information on this course please visit [ Aurora] or look up this course [ here].

Please make sure you have completed the required prerequisites (minimum grade of C):

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Official Course Description

(Formerly 074.102) More features of a procedural language, elements of programming.

Not to be held with COMP 1021 or the former 074.121, 074.123 or 074.125. 


  • COMP 1010 or COMP 1011 (or formerly 074.101) with a minimum grade of C and
    • High School Computer Science 40S with a minimum grade of 75 percent or
    • Any grade 12 or 40S Mathematics, or equivalent.

Course Hour

3 Credit Hours