Computer Graphics

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Computer graphics are graphics created using computers and, more generally, the representation and manipulation of image data by a computer. The development of computer graphics, has made computers easier to interact with, and better for understanding and interpreting many types of data. Developments in computer graphics have had a profound impact on many types of media and have revolutionized animation, movies and the video game industry. As applications demand better graphics, newer technology and algorithms will need to be developed.

...By Students

"While in high school, I was very interested in computer graphics and took every computer course I could in an effort to learn more. I learned how to use Flash, Blender, and Photoshop, and loved every minute of it. While I was learning Blender, I did as many tutorials as possible to expand my knowledge base. I would say that doing online tutorials is the easiest way to learn a new program or language"

"One summer in my early teens, I attended MiniU at the University of Manitoba. There were various activities planned each day for the group. There are two things that were really memorable for me during my few weeks at MiniU. There is a reason you are not supposed to do a cannon ball in a shallow, crowded pool... because I some people are swimming underwater (me). That hurt my spine real bad; I thought I was going to be paralyzed (I wasn't, thank goodness). The other thing that stuck with me was a quick explanation of animation technologies. The teacher there had us each at a computer and we fiddled around with a 3-D skeleton model. I learned a lot about computer graphics that day. It really makes me look at CGI movies in a different light."

Sub Fields

Computer Graphics is a wide area of study. The sub-fields of Computer Graphics include:

  1. Geometry - The mathematics of points, lines and curves.
  2. Animation - Displaying a series of computer images in order to create an illusion of movement.
  3. Rendering - Creating a mathematical representations of objects using a computer program.
  4. Imaging - Wide field that includes all aspects of creating images with computers.


Teapot geometry.jpg A wire frame of a teapot.

Geometry in computer science deals with the representation of objects in a 3D setting. Computer scientists use algorithms to determine different ways to represent objects. Wire frame models and surface textures are used in computer graphics. A wire frame model is a visual presentation of outside edges for an object. Surface textures are placed on top of a wire frame model to give it color and a sense of texture.

One of the more challenging aspects of computer graphics is creating models of objects that do not have a fixed shape, such as liquids. The graphical representation of liquids is an area of computer graphics that is still in it's infancy. For movies and video games, liquids are represented in a way that look real. There are groups that are looking into creating much more realistic fluid animations and simulations.


Tetraeder Animation.gif An animation of a Tetraeder.

Animation is the process of using a series of similar images, displayed together at high speeds to create the illusion of movement. This process did not always involve the use of computers. In the past, a lot of the work was done by drawing, stop motion or other means. Animation has a rich history and has existed long before the invention of computers. Computers allow many new techniques for creating animations. A prime example of computer animation is Toy Story, the first animated film done completely in CGI (computer generated images).


Screen shot.jpg
A computer science student (User:MelissaK) created this screenshot, which is from a 3D animation made in Blender. For the full animation, see references at bottom of page.

Rendering is the process of generating images from a model by such methods as simulating light sources or creating images in an artistic style. After a 2D model is created, rendering is used to add in such features as textures, reflections, shadows, and more. This 3D projection is meant for the consumer or viewer to see and appreciate.

If you are interested in computer graphics, you can get started by downloading Blender, a free open source 3D graphics program that is quite easy to learn on your own.


Meningioma2.JPG An example of medical imaging technology.

People in computer imaging are concerned with the creation and storing of digital images on a computer. It is a wide field that covers digital photography, scanning technologies and the manipulation of bitmap images.

Medical imaging is the process used to create images of the human body. There are many different ways in which images are collected and processed. Different techniques may produce images that show different types of information about the body. The presence of computer imaging technologies in medical facilities is rapidly increasing.

Real World Applications

So, where are computer graphics used? The answer: movies, games, and more!

In movies computer graphics are used to add effects that are difficult or impossible to do in real life, like close up views of slow moving bullets. Graphics can also be used to create an entire movie, such as the case with the Shrek series. The Winnipeg based company Frantic Films uses computer graphics in major motion pictures like Face in the Crowd (2011). If you become a computer science co-op student, you may even have the opportunity to work for Frantic Films! (Frantic Films hired a co-op student from the University of Manitoba in summer 2009)

Graphics in games have expanded from 2D pixelated images to realistic 3D worlds. The explosion of technological growth in the past few decades has created many opportunities for computer animators in games.

Related Degrees

You can earn the specialization "Human-Computer Interaction and Graphics" on your computer science degree by completing the following courses:

  1. Introduction to Scientific Computing (COMP 2190)
  2. Human-Computer Interaction 1 (COMP 3020)
  3. Computer Graphics 1 (COMP 3490)
  4. One of: Human-Computer Interaction 2 (COMP 4020) or Computer Graphics 2 (COMP 4490)

Potential Jobs

Computer Animator
Computer animators use graphics programs to create animations for movies, commercials, games and other media. Most major movie projects involve some form of computer graphics, like The Matrix and The Lord of the Rings. If you have an eye for color and don't mind learning some fancy math, computer animation may be right for you!

Game Developer
As a computer scientist in game development, you may work on projects creating characters and virtual environments. As games become increasingly popular and more advanced game systems are released, careers in game development will become even more common.

References and Useful Links

Programming examples related to graphics: Calculating Area, Dimensions of a Can of Soup, Pythagoras.

(Example of a 3D animation)

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