Java In-depth Solutions

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This section contains the solutions to the review questions from Java In-depth.


If you did not answer any of these questions successfully make sure to go back and re-read the material. If you have trouble understanding the material talk to your prof or a TA.

Template loop detected: Template loop detected:


    1. Thinking about how you will code the program.
    2. Writing the code for the program.
    3. Compiling the program.
    4. Running the program.
    This answer can be found in the chapter introduction.
  1. Your Java source code is passed to the Java compiler. The compiler takes Java source code and generates Java bytecode that can be interpreted by the Java virtual machine.
    This answer can be found in the Java compiler section.
  2.       Advantages:
    • Enables Java to be platform independent.
    • Makes Java easier to learn, as we don't have to include platform specific code.
    • Makes programs run slightly slower.
    • Does not allow programmers to use platform-specific tools.
    • GUI applications will look out of place on most platforms.
    • Bugs in the JVM are extremely serious.
    This answer can be found in the JVM section.