Minutes:8 feb 2007

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This page contains notes from the class discussion from 8 February, 2007. Discussion was mainly about assignment 3. Notes taken by Chris I-B

  • Chris 16:00, 8 February 2007 (CST)


The following groups were assigned in class:

  1. Basel, Chris M, Eli: Getting started & calling methods
  2. Doug, John, Kelly: Your first Java programme
  3. Vic, Roger, Dave: Loops
  4. Mark, Wilson, Jenny: User-defined methods
  5. Chris I-B, Adam H, Adam D, Travis: What is programming & control structures
  6. Abu, Andrew, Graham: Arrays

Groups are free to swap topics, but please edit this page with any changes made.

3 unassigned topics:

  • more with arrays
  • problem-solving/debugging
  • more about computer science

Due Date & Summary

Due': 22 March, 2007. For a complete summary see the official description on nTreePoint.

Important Dates

  • 22 February, 2007: initial planning form due (first Thursday after Reading Week). Classtime will be provided on 20 February, 2007 to work on this part of the assignment.
  • 6 March, 2007: first draft due.
  • 22 March, 2007: final version due

Make use of the standards found on the help page in your final version.


Drafts can be written directly on the Wiki. Comments about content can be discussed by group members on the discussion page. Wikis archive the old version of pages, so edits can be reverted. Also, different versions can be compared with the History tab for each article.

Note: discussion pages are currently down. They will hopefully be up and running soon.

Code samples should be checked and re-checked; there is nothing more annoying than a sample solution that is wrong.

Use group consensus for page formatting and division of articles. Every group will face different issues; no global solution will work for everyone.

Important Note

This assignment is not to write another Intro to Java textbook: this is supposed to be a custom-tailored online text that follows the way UofM teaches COMP 1010.

This Wiki will most likely not be sufficient to replace the textbook for next year, but hopefully after a year or two of revisions and additions it will no longer be necessary for students to purchase a paper textbook.


Even if material could legally be copied (i.e. text from another Wiki) students must create their own original work for the purposes of the assignment. Text copied from copyrighted sources must be properly referenced. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.


Is making the Wiki custom-tailored to the entire COMP 1010 course making it too easy? Generally it seems that most students do not make heavy use of the textbook and rely on lecture notes/slides (which are custom-tailored to the course anyway).


Audience is a a big concern. Most students do not continue in Computer Science; we ourselves are not representative. The tone should be "hand-holding"; encourage students, simplify material, and explain concepts in simple terms.

Students are a diverse group: avoid racial- and gender-specific references wherever possible.