Program a day Solution 4

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COMP 1010 Home > Program_a_day


An exercise to evaluate a skill-testing question.



What do you need to know?

  • How to evaluate an expression.
  • How to print the result of evaluating an expression.
  • Where you can insert brackets into an expression.


No inputs are required.


  • One line for each different result using brackets. E.g.,
6 x 8 - (5 + 9) = 34
  • One line evaluating the expression without brackets.


  • Insert brackets into the expression in many different ways.
  • Print out only one line with each different possible result.


import javax.swing.JOptionPane ;
import java.util.Date ;
 * Purpose: to insert brackets to evaluate 6 x 8 - 5 + 9 in many
 *  different ways.
 * COMP 1010 Section A06
 * Instructor: Terry Andres
 * Assignment: Example #4
 * @author     Stew Dent
 * @version    2009-Sep-22
public class BracketedExpression  {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println( "(6 x 8) - 5 + 9  = " + ((6 * 8) - 5 + 9) ) ;
//    System.out.println( "(6 x 8 - 5) + 9  = " + ((6 * 8 - 5) + 9) ) ;
//    System.out.println( "(6 x 8 - 5 + 9)  = " + ((6 * 8 - 5 + 9)) ) ;
    System.out.println( "6 x (8 - 5) + 9  = " + (6 * (8 - 5) + 9) ) ;
    System.out.println( "6 x (8 - 5 + 9)  = " + (6 * (8 - 5 + 9)) ) ;
    System.out.println( "6 x 8 - (5 + 9)  = " + (6 * 8 - (5 + 9)) ) ;
//    System.out.println( "((6 x 8) - 5) + 9  = " + (((6 * 8) - 5) + 9) ) ;
//    System.out.println( "((6 x 8) - 5 + 9)  = " + (((6 * 8) - 5 + 9)) ) ;
//    System.out.println( "((6 x 8 - 5) + 9)  = " + (((6 * 8 - 5) + 9)) ) ;
//    System.out.println( "(6 x (8 - 5) + 9)  = " + ((6 * (8 - 5) + 9)) ) ;
//    System.out.println( "(6 x (8 - 5 + 9))  = " + ((6 * (8 - 5 + 9))) ) ;
//    System.out.println( "(6 x 8 - (5 + 9))  = " + ((6 * 8 - (5 + 9))) ) ;
//    System.out.println( "6 x ((8 - 5) + 9)  = " + (6 * ((8 - 5) + 9)) ) ;
    System.out.println( "6 x (8 - (5 + 9))  = " + (6 * (8 - (5 + 9))) ) ;
    System.out.println( "6 x 8 - 5 + 9  = " + (6 * 8 - 5 + 9) ) ;
    System.out.println("\nProgrammed by Stew Dent") ;
    System.out.println("Date: " + new Date() ) ;  // current date
    System.out.println("End of processing") ;


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