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Visualizing Time Dependent Semantics: An Application to Quantum Algorithms
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We have developed a visual syntax for representing concepts that are contingent on temporal properties (timedependent semantics). A within-group (N=24) experiment was conducted to identify the representations that conveyed best a given semantic. We then applied our representations to the visualization of algorithms in quantum computing and carried out a second experiment (N=16) on subjects unfamiliar with the semantic concepts that were tested. The results show that our representations are intuitive and facilitate a good level of understanding of the algorithms.
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Nivedita Kadaba, Pourang Irani and Michel Toulouse. 2005. Visualizing Time Dependent Semantics: An Application to Quantum Algorithms. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (IV '05), 182-187.
Bibtext Entry
@INPROCEEDINGS { kadaba05,
AUTHOR = { Nivedita Kadaba and Pourang Irani and Michel Toulouse },
TITLE = { Visualizing Time Dependent Semantics: An Application to Quantum Algorithms },
BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (IV '05) },
YEAR = { 2005 },
PAGES = { 182--187 },
DOI = { 10.1109/IV.2005.154 },


Nivedita Kadaba
Pourang Irani
ProfessorCanada Research Chair
at University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus
As well as: , Michel Toulouse