Hello, welcome to Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada. Students and professors working in the lab are committed to exploring new and innovative research areas in human-computer interaction.
The UofM HCI Lab is a positive, supportive space dedicated to diversity and inclusion. Please see our Lab Guidelines for student expectations and our full policy.
We are currently carrying out research in a number of a different fields including:
- Computer Science Education
- Creativity Support
- Human-AI Interaction
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Older Adults & Technology, Older Adults & Caregiver Proxy Use
- Online Communities
- Robots and Gender
- Social Robotics, Domestic Robotics
- Software Learnability
- Technologies for Kids
- Virtual Worlds & Virtual World Building
The University of Manitoba HCI Laboratory is also able to provide usability testing services. If you are are currently considering putting your software through some usability testing, you should consider our testing services. Please contact us for more information.
Social Media:
News & Announcements
March 11, 2022 | Best Paper award at HRI 2022
Congratulations to James Berzuk and Dr. James Young for winning the Best Paper Award in the Theory and Methods Category at the 2022 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction!
July 04, 2020 | Honourable Mention award in CHI 2020
Congratulations to Teng Han, alumnus, for winning the Honourable Mention award in 2020 the ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(CHI 2020)!
December 10, 2019 | More Awards Winners
Congratulations to Ananta Chowhury for receiving a University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF) to support her M.Sc. research. Congratulations also to Daniel Rea and Stela Seo, each of whom received an NSERC/Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Fellowship. Best of luck to Ananta, Daniel and Stela!