Projects & Research
Projects & Research
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Andrea Bunt
Patrick Dubois
Houda Elmimouni
David Gerhard
Lauren Himbeault
Celine Latulipe
Daniel J. Rea
James E.Young
Minoo Dabiri
Melika Adabinejad
Ariful Islam Anik
Dion Barja
Sam Barrett
James M. Berzuk
Ananta Chowdhury
Pritha Das
Lara De Leon
Carson Dickinson
Skyla Dudek
Zach Havens
Carter Lupkowski
Michelle Okolie
Danika Passler Bates
Emmanuel Segun-Lean
Fairuz Shaiara
Peter Vu
Simon Wermie
Pouya Aghahoseini
Dr. David Ahlström
Ahmed Ahmed
Fouad Alallah
Samiul Alam Anik
Hina Aman
Fereshteh Amini
Rahatul Amin Ananto
Brett Anderson
Jasper Arthur
Lucas Audette
Olawale Ayilara
Annalena Baecker
Afsane Baghestani
Dr.Sandra Bardot
Matthew Brzezinski
Chris Carmichael
Jared Cechanowicz
Anthony Chau
Cheng Cheng
Ellen Cheung
Nabila Chowdhury
David Cormack
Derek Cormier
Jonathan Cullen
Blane Cypurda
Joshua Daigle
Millan David
Dr. William Delamare
Leopold Desert-Legendre
Suneet Dhaliwal
Jordan Dickenson
Taylor Ding
Derek Dufault
Charles-Olivier Dufresne-Camaro
Alexander Dyck
Volodymyr Dziubak
Barrett Ens
Yanis Fatmi
Dr. Gilles Ferrand
Rory Finnegan
Michael Gammon
Diljot Singh Garcha
Denise Geiskkovitch
Adriana Lorena González
Hayley Guillou
Jango Guo
Sean Gustafson
Ashkan Haghshenas
Teng Han
Tristan Hartry
Khalad Hasan
Yasmeen Hashish
Nabeel Hassan
Anuradha Herath
Dale Hildebrandt
Dr. Juan David Hincapié-Ramos
Kevin Hoang
Kenny Hong
Zahid Hossain
Saidi Houssem
Jon Ingram
Pourang Irani
Levko Ivanchuk
Avalyn Jasenn
Nicholas Josephson
Min Kyu Jung
Nivedita Kadaba
Adnan Alam Khan
Anmolpreet Khangura
Junhyeok Kim
Corey King
Srikanth Kirs S
Vadim Kononov
Delica Leboe-McGowan
Jisoo Lee
Brendan Li
Dr. Hai-Ning Liang
Yengin Loay
Nathan Loewen
Hooshang Lotfi
Roya Lotfi
Matthew Lount
Mahya Maftouni
Chris Magnan
Ed Mak
Juan Manuel
David McCallum
Aidan McLeod
Ryan Meakin
Dr. Amir H. Meghdadi
Robbie Melvin
Paymahn Moghadasian
Ahmed Shariff Mohommed Faleel
Masayuki Nakane
Noor Nawaz
Ali Neshati
Gem Newman
Mahtab Nezhadasl
Nguyễn Trần Phượng Nguyên
Thai Nguyen
Grant Partridge
Parth Patekar
Mathieu Pecchioli
Minh Phan
Phillip Pitura
Jonathan Placatka
Mackenzie Plowman
Mark Pomeranski
Brittany Postnikoff
Kaye Quizon
Ashik Rabbani
Mahdi Rahmani
Surya Rawat
Sawyer Rempel
Bradley Rey
Shahed Anzarus Sabab
Kam Saiyed
Dr. Yumiko Sakamoto
Samar Sallam
Aaron Salo
Taylor Sando
Elaheh (Ellie) Sanoubari
Lena T. Schramm
Stela Hanbyeol Seo
Dr. Marcos Serrano
Ibrahim Shahin
MD Hosne Al Walid Shaiket
Peer Shajahan
Maruthappan (Satish) Shanmugasundaram
Megha Sharma
Kang Shi
Maino Shinohara
Roiy Shpaner
Ashish Singh
Gaganpreet Singh
Mark Smith
Ramin Soltanzadeh
Oleh Stolarskyj
Troy Stubbs
John Swystun
Erum Tanvir
Matthew Tate
Raquel Thiessen
James Trenchard
Ritesh Udhani
Josh Usiskin
Yurii Vasylkiv
Christopher Vattheuer
Yan Wang
Shenyun Wang
Timmy Wang
Devin White
Michelle Wiebe
Joel Wiebe
Luke Wiebe
Cary Williams
Xu Xia
Zhikan (Jason) Xu
Xing-Dong Yang
Brian Yeo
Cid Zaldivir
Hong Zhang
Zuoyi Zhang
Leo Zheng
Ahmed Zunaid
Communicating Robot Capabilities with Labels (2025)
Improving Human-Robot Dialogue Interactions (2025)
Stream Assistant (2024)
Collaborative Learning for Feature Rich Software (2024)
Social Robots to Encourage Play for Children with Disabilities (2024)
Understanding Robot Expectation Formation and Discrepancy (2024)
SnuggleBot (2024)
Investigating Tools for Designing Virtual Spaces (2023)
Conversational Robots for Self-Reflection (2023)
Influencing Operator Perceptions and Behavior during Teleoperation (2023)
Gendering Human-Robot Interaction (2023)
Improving Computer Science Education (2022)
Exploring A Design Space for Digital Interventions Addressing Early Adolescents’ Tech Overuse (2022)
Looking to the 2LGBTQIA+ Community to Shape Sex Robots (2022)
Improving Online Banking for Older Adults & Their Caregivers (2022)
Social Robots to Address Loneliness (2022)
Gender Differences in Knowledge Sharing (2022)
Intergenerational Music Co-Listening (2021)
Data Videos and Contact Tracing (2021)
Visual Team State Indicators (2021)
Children as Creators of Digital Art Tutorials (2020)
Data-Centric Explanations (2020)
Human-Robot Proxemics (2020)
Towards Design Guidelines for Effective Health-Related Data Videos (2020)
Mindful Eating (2020)
COVID-19: Disease Tracking (2020)
Children’s Trust Towards Robots (2020)
Tekkotsu: A programming framework for AIBO (2019)
Low Frequency Sound in Social HRI (2019)
Culturally Adaptive Social Robots (2019)
Social Interfaces in Teleoperation (2019)
Software learning (2019)
Subliminal Priming in Human-Agent Interaction (2018)
Supporting Graphical Designers’ Inspiration Seeking Practices via Software Tools (2018)
Mental Health in Online Communities (2018)
Rapport Strategies With a Collaborative Robot (2018)
Technology Use and Barriers in Rural and Remote Environments (2018)
In-Feed Embedded Techniques for Visualizing Robot Team Member Locations (2017)
Interactive Detail-in-Context Using Two Pan-and-Tilt Cameras in Teleoperation (2017)
Wizard of Awwws: Exploring Psychological Impact on the Researchers in Social HRI Experiments (2017)
Picassnake: The Painting Robot (2017)
Understanding and Improving Web-Based Tutorials (2017)
Movers, Shakers, and Those Who Stand Still: Visual Attention-Grabbing in Robot Teleoperation (2016)
3D Visualization of Astronomical Data using Immersive Displays (2016)
Spatial Analytic Interfaces (2016)
Authoring Data-Driven Videos with DataClips (2016)
Personalized Command Recommendations based on Web Documentation (2016)
Playing the ‘Trust Game’ with Robots: Social Strategies and Experiences (2015)
And He Built a Crooked Camera (2015)
Shared Presence (2015)
Inspector Baxter (2015)
Understanding Data Videos: Looking at Narrative Visualization through the Cinematography Lens (2015)
A Simulated Robot versus a Real Robot: People’s Empathic Response (2015)
Would You Do as a Robot Commands? (2015)
A Visual Processing Approach to Exploring Believability of Android Faces (2014)
ChronoTwigger: A Visual Analytics Tool for Understanding Source and Test Co-Evolution (2014)
PaintBoard: Prototyping Interactive Character Behaviors by Painting Storyboards (2014)
Visual Analytics of Structural Health Monitoring Data (2014)
“Kid-in-the-Loop” Content Control (2014)
The Impact of Interactivity on Comprehending 2D and 3D Visualizations of Movement Data (2014)
Transparent (Optical See-Through) Displays (2014)
Recommending Reference Materials in Context to Facilitate Editing Wikipedia (2014)
Personalizing Feature-Rich Software (2014)
Consumed Endurance (2013)
Ouch! Embodied First-Person Damage Indicators (2013)
sViSIT: Video Analytics for Surveillance Applications (2013)
Surround-See: Future Smartphones Can See their Surroundings (2013)
CrashAlert provides peripheral information while texting-and-walking (2013)
Exploring the Role of Affect Recognition in Web-Capable Applications (2013)
A Touchscreen Interface for Controlling a Robotic Arm (2013)
Work Practices and Tool Use of Expert Mathematicians (2013)
Affective Flying-Robot Motions via the Laban Effort System (2013)
A Dog Tail for Robots (2013)
Style by Demonstration (2013)
The Roomba Mood Ring: An Ambient-Display Robot (2012)
Explanation Interfaces in Intelligent Interactive Systems (2012)
Forcepad Controlled Puppet (2012)
Sociological Context of Human-Robot Interaction (2011)
How to Walk a Robot (2011)
Touch and Toys for HRI (2009)
Cartoon Interfaces for Robots (2007)
AIBO Surrogate - A Group-Robot Interface (2006)
Visualization and Navigation for Off-Screen Objects (2005)