COMP 2190

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COMP 2190, or Introduction to Scientific Computing

Further Information

For more information on this course please visit [ Aurora] or look up this course [ here].

Please make sure you have completed the required prerequisites (minimum grade of C):

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Official Course Description

(Formerly 074.219) An applied computational course introducing topics such as approximation by polynomials, solution of non-linear equations, linear systems, simulation and computational geometry.


  • COMP 1020 (or formerly 074.102) with a minimum grade of C and
  • one of :
    • MATH 1500 or

MATH 1501 (or 136.150) (C),or MATH 1510 (or 136.151) (C),or MATH 1520 (or 136.152) (C),or MATH 1530 (or 136.153) (C),or MATH 1690 (or 136.169) (C).


  • One of:
    • MATH 1300, or
    • MATH 1301, or
    • MATH 1310.

Course Hour

3 Credit Hours