So you have an ISP, now what?

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COMP1260 > Using the Internet


Now that you have an ISP you are ready to connect your computer to the Internet. The best way to connect to the Internet is by using a router. A router will allow you to set up a home network so that all computers in your home can connect to the Internet. Follow the instructions below to set up your router. Once your router is set up you will be connected to the Internet. students

When considering what kind of router you want for your home network I would suggest a wireless router. Wireless routers allow you to connect your computer to the network without the need of a cable. However if one of your computers cannot connect to the wireless network, wireless routers also have some ports where you can plug in cables. Even with a wireless router it is sometimes best to connect your computer to the network using a cable. Your wireless signal can be interrupted by multiple devices in your home such as cordless phones, radios and TVs. If you are working on something important and do not want your connection to the network to be interrupted it is best to use a cable.

Setting Up Your Home Network

Before you can connect your computer to the internet you must first set up a home Network. A home network can consist of one or more computers. To set up a home network, first you need a router. The router is what will connect your computer to the Internet.

Connecting your Router to the Modem

The following are steps to connect your router to the modem:

1. Choose a convenient location to place your router.

2. Plug in your router's power supply and turn on your router.

3. Connect your Internet modem to the router using an Ethernet cable.

4. Use the cable plugs in to the slot named WAN or Uplink or Internet.

5. Once the cable is connected, turn off your modem and then turn it back on.

6. The router should recognize the modem.

Connecting your Computer to the Router

A Wireless Router

Now your are ready to connect your computer to the router. Connect your computer to the router using a network cable. Even if you have a wireless router you should connect your first computer using a network cable.

Now open up your web browser on the connected computer. In the web address enter the router's address to reach the router's home page. Consult your router's documentation to determine the address of your model. The address should look something like: "".

Your router's home page will prompt you for a username and password. Both are provided in your router's documentation. For security reasons you should change your password.

To have your router connect to the internet you must enter your Internet connection information into the router's configuration (location varies depending on the model). If you are using DSL Internet you might need to enter PPPoE username and password. If your ISP provided you with a static IP address you must enter the static IP fields given to you by your ISP into the router setup.

Once you are done setting up your router you should verify that your network connection is working. To verify your connection try navigating to the page

Now that you have one computer connected to the Internet you may now connect additional computers to your router. You can also configure additional security features to your network as desired to protect your home network.[1]

Connecting to the U of M Wireless

The University of Manitoba provides wireless Internet throughout the campus. When connecting to the the U of M wireless you have two connection options: uofm and uofm-secure. The uofm connection is unencrypted and intended for temporary use only. The uofm-secure connection is encrypted and provides some other benefits that the uofm connection does not. For better protection of your computer, it is always best to connect to an encrypted wireless network.

To connect to the uofm connection find the name in the available wireless connections and connect to it. No password is needed for this connection. It is recommended that you use this connection only for temporary use or if you are unable to connect to the uofm-secure connection.

Connecting to the uofm-secure connection is more complicated. For this connection you will need to download and install the SecureW2 client. This client is what you will use to connect to the uofm-secure connection. The instructions on how to use the client vary depending on your Operating System. The U of M website provides very detailed instructions on how to use the client. To start go to instructions on the U of M website here: Now select which Operating System you are using and you will be presented with detailed instructions and screenshots on how to download, install and use the SecureW2 client. Follow the instructions provided and you should then be connected to the uofm-secure connection.


If you are still unable to connect to the uofm-secure connection then you should contact the Information Services and Technology office for assistance. The contact information is as follows:

Information Services and Technology
E3-606 EITC
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada
Tel 204-474-8600
Fax 204-474-7515


Now you know how to set up a home network to connect to the Internet. Any computer connected to your home network will have access to the Internet. A home network will also allow you to share files between computers connected to the network. If you have a wireless network it is recommended that you encrypt your connection with a password. Connecting to the internet opens your computer to multiple new security threats. To learn how to protect your computer from such threats consult the Protecting your Computer section.



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