Using the Internet

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Chapter Introduction

Originally designed for the flow of information within the US military, the Internet has exploded into our modern culture thanks to its versatility. The Internet allows users from all over the world to access an amazing amount of information with very little effort.

The wealth of data at your fingertips can be overwhelming, and inevitable one asks themselves many questions. How do you browse the Internet? How do you find music and video? Are there any problems to watch out for? This chapter answers these questions and many others you may have regarding using the internet.

Image Translation: The Internet is not everything. Go outside!

Taken from

Connecting to the Internet

So you have an ISP, now what?

Protecting your Computer

Finding and Using Information

Internet Search Tools

Evaluating Sites

Common Tasks

Accessing Music and Video


Using E-mail

Other Forms of Communication


Technology Matters!

The Digital Divide

Google Mania

Net Neutrality

Software Solutions

Tips and Tricks for Internet Explorer and FireFox

Working with Chrome

Tips and Tricks for Safari


Chapter 5: Understanding the Internet Table of Contents End of Chapters