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Houda Elmimouni
Assistant Professor
I'm an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Manitoba. My research sits at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). My work focuses on understanding human interactions with robots and other digital systems. My goal is to design and develop these technologies effectively, enhancing user interactions while upholding human values such as privacy and accessibility.
I earned my PhD from Drexel University and hold a Master of Science in Library and Information Science from Pratt Institute in New York City, a BS from the Ecole des Science de l’Information in Morocco , and BAs in both Language and Pedagogy and Linguistics from Mohamed V University. Before joining the University of Manitoba, I was a Computing Innovation Fellow and Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Informatics at Indiana University Bloomington.
I have received recognition and support through several prestigious fellowships and awards, including the CI Fellowship (’21), Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Award (‘20), Phoebe W. Haas Endowed Fellowship (’15, ’17), and Fulbright Fellowship (’11). Additionally, my collaborative work has earned best paper awards at ACM Ubicomp, DIS and OpenSym.
Currently I serve as a member of the SIGCHI Mediterranean Committee (MedCHI), the GROUP and CSCW Co-Chair for Accessibility and the AfriCHI 2025 Notes Co-Chair.