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Sam Barrett

Sam Barrett

MSc Student

barret15 [at] myumanitoba.ca

Advisor: James E.Young


I am an MSc student researching the role of rhythm and turn-taking in human-robot dialog systems, and how we can build systems that engage in natural conversational styles.

Outside of my work, I consider myself a seasoned guitarist and a mediocre cook.



Toward Designing a Toolkit for Intuitive Design of Backchanneling Behaviour in Social Robots

S. R. M. Barrett and J. E. Young, “Toward Designing a Toolkit for Intuitive Design of
Backchanneling Behaviour in Social Robots,” in Proceedings of the Companion of the 2025 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, in HRI'25. Melbourne, Australia: ACM, Mar. 2024.