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Improving recognition and characterization in groupware with rich embodiments
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Embodiments are visual representations of people in a groupware system. Embodiments convey awareness information such as presence, location, and movement -- but they provide far less information than what is available from a real body in a face-to-face setting. As a result, it is often difficult to recognize and characterize other people in a groupware system without extensive communication. To address this problem, information-rich embodiments use ideas from multivariate information visualization to maximize the amount of information that is represented about a person. To investigate the feasibility of rich embodiment and their effects on group interaction, we carried out three studies. The first shows that users are able to recall and interpret a large set of variables that are graphically encoded on an embodiment. The second and third studies demonstrated rich embodiments in two groupware systems -- a multiplayer game and a drawing application -- and showed that the enhanced representations do improve recognition and characterization, and that they can enrich interaction in a variety of ways.
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Tadeusz Stach, Carl Gutwin, David Pinelle and Pourang Irani. 2007. Improving recognition and characterization in groupware with rich embodiments. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '07), 11-20. (Honourable Mention Award)
Bibtext Entry
AUTHOR = { Tadeusz Stach and Carl Gutwin and David Pinelle and Pourang Irani },
TITLE = { Improving recognition and characterization in groupware with rich embodiments },
BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '07) },
YEAR = { 2007 },
PAGES = { 11--20 },
DOI = { 10.1145/1240624.1240627 },
NOTE = { Honourable Mention Award },


Pourang Irani
ProfessorCanada Research Chair
at University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus
As well as: Tadeusz Stach, Carl Gutwin and David Pinelle