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Visualizing the Decision-Making Process in a Face-to-Face Meeting
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The decision making process is usually one of the most critical elements of any face-to-face meeting. Participants in a group meeting follow certain procedures and guidelines for facilitating the decision making process. These include such rules as turn taking, not interrupting the consultation, and keeping suggestions or ideas clear and concise. The ultimate objective of such meetings is to arrive at decisions in a timely manner by having a diversity of opinions from as many participants as possible. We postulate that by visualizing the group dynamics during a face-to-face meeting, administrators might be able to get a better handle on the strengths and weaknesses of the group's consultation process. The end result would be to improve the overall quality of meetings. We present a visualization tool that captures and reveals the ongoing social dynamics during the decision-making process within a face-to-face and real-time meeting. Our system captures the required data through a simple and easy-to-use interface and then visualizes the outcome of the meeting.
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Fouad Alallah, Mahtab Nezhadasl, Pourang Irani and Dean Jin. 2007. Visualizing the Decision-Making Process in a Face-to-Face Meeting. In Proceedings of IEEE Information Visualization (IV '07), 168-176.
Bibtext Entry
@INPROCEEDINGS { alallah07,
AUTHOR = { Fouad Alallah and Mahtab Nezhadasl and Pourang Irani and Dean Jin },
TITLE = { Visualizing the Decision-Making Process in a Face-to-Face Meeting },
BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of IEEE Information Visualization (IV '07) },
YEAR = { 2007 },
PAGES = { 168--176 },
DOI = { 10.1109/IV.2007.138 },


Fouad Alallah
Mahtab Nezhadasl
Pourang Irani
ProfessorCanada Research Chair
at University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus
As well as: , Dean Jin