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Where is that Feature? Designing for Cross-Device Software Learnability
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People increasingly access cross-device applications from their smartphones while on the go. Yet, they do not fully use the mobile versions for complex tasks, preferring the desktop version of the same application. We conducted a survey (N=77) to identify challenges when switching back and forth between devices. We discovered significant cross-device learnability issues, including that users often find exploring the mobile version frustrating, which leads to prematurely giving up on using the mobile version.Based on the findings, we created four design concepts as video prototypes to explore how to support cross-device learnability. The concepts vary in four key dimensions: the device involved, automation, temporality, and learning approach. Interviews (N=20) probing the design concepts identified individual differences affecting cross-device learning preferences, and that users are more motivated to use cross-device applications when offered the right cross-device learnability support.
Alvina, J., Bunt, A., Chilana, P., Malacria, S. and McGrenere, J. (2020) Where is that Feature? Designing for Cross-Device Software Learnability, Proceedings of DIS 2020, 13 pages, to appear.


Andrea Bunt
ProfessorAs well as: Jessalyn Alvina, Parmit K. Chilana, Sylvain Malacria, and Joanna McGrenere