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Methods and Effects of Priming a Teloperator’s Perception of Robot Capabilities

Priming is the influence of external stimuli on a person’s behavior and thoughts, where the effect is related to some quality of that stimuli. In this work, we explore three methods of priming teleoperator’s expectations about robot capability and investigate how this may impact driving behavior and perceptions of the robot. We tested priming impressions of robot ability by the stiffness of the robot controller (tangible priming), additionally describing the changes in stiffness verbally to operators (descriptive tangible priming) and simply describing the robots’ abilities on paper and verbally (descriptive priming). In each case, we had an intention of priming whether a robot was safer or more dangerous to drive, but in reality, operators drove the same robot. Our results found that all priming methods affected the perception of the robot including its speed, weight, or overall safety. Further, we confirmed that priming lowered operator collisions by over 40% in the descriptive tangible case. Thus, interface and product designers should consider priming as a tool to leverage to improve operator performance and perception of the robot.

Daniel J. Rea, James E. Young, "Methods and Effects of Priming a Teloperator’s Perception of Robot Capabilities." The ACM International Human-Robot Interaction Pioneers Workshop. ACM. 2019.


Daniel J. Rea

Daniel J. Rea

Assistant Professor
James E.Young

James E.Young
