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Stream Assistant: A Study of Chat Importance, Management Approaches, and Effects of Real-Time Chat Summarization Techniques
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Live streaming platforms have become established communication channels where streamers and viewers can communicate through the chatbox. However, managing messages can become challenging for streamers, especially during high-activity periods. Building on prior research investigating chat communication and message management approaches, we explore the role of the chatbox and its management strategies from the streamers’ perspectives. We also examine the effects of real-time summarization methods by designing a prototype called Stream Assistant and evaluating its efficacy through a study with ten streamers. Our findings highlight the role of chat in boosting engagement and audience growth for streamers. Streamers adopt personalized approaches like prioritization and pauses to manage messages. We also found that the level of interest in an automated polling feature was high; however, chat volume and the stream’s agenda might influence the perceived usefulness of the summarization methods.
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Pouya Aghahoseini. Stream Assistant: A Study of Chat Importance, Management Approaches, and Effects of Real-Time Chat Summarization Techniques. MSc Thesis (2023). University of Manitoba, Canada.