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Pouya Aghahoseini

Pouya Aghahoseini


aghahosp [at] myumanitoba.ca

External Website ↗
Advisor: Andrea Bunt


I am interested in Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience. I am working on Live Stream interfaces and features that can improve the communication between the streamers and the viewers and improve the streaming experience. I started my Master’s at the University of Manitoba in 2021. Previously, I received my Bachelor’s degree from the Amirkabir University of Technology in Iran.
In my free time, I am usually working out, cooking, and spending time with my friends.



Investigating the Role of Real-Time Chat Summaries in Supporting Live Streamers

Pouya Aghahoseini, Millan David, and Andrea Bunt. 2024. Investigating the Role of Real-Time Chat Summaries in Supporting Live Streamers. In Proceedings of the 50th Graphics Interface Conference.

Stream Assistant: A Study of Chat Importance and Effects of Real-Time Chat Summarization Techniques

Pouya Aghahoseini. Stream Assistant: A Study of Chat Importance, Management Approaches, and Effects of Real-Time Chat Summarization Techniques. MSc Thesis (2023). University of Manitoba, Canada.