Computer Science Courses

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Chapter #

Please use the following pages to find out more about the courses offered by the Department of Computer Science at the University of Manitoba.

  Write a Program a Day Case Studies

For further information please consult the departmental website[1]

1000-Level Courses

Welcome to the world of Computer Science. Have you ever wondered how the applications running on your computer are built? In first year Computer Science courses, you will be introduced to fundamental computer programming concepts and information you need to get started on building some simple computer applications. In this page, you will find information about the first year Computer Science courses that are offered in the Department of Computer Science.

Please follow the links to find information on first-year computer science courses.

Introductory Computer Science 1 (COMP 1010)

Introductory Computer Science 2 (COMP 1020)

2000-Level Courses

Welcome to the second year of Computer Science. In your first year, you have learned the basic programming concepts, techniques and how to program in Java language. Computer Science is not just about programming. In second year Computer Science courses, you are going to learn theories that are widely used in the Computer Science field. These courses play an important role in preparing you for more advance study in your third and fourth year Computer Science courses. This page has a list of second year Computer Science courses with a brief overview on the goal of the courses.

Note: Courses that are labelled with * are required for Computer Science Major and Honours program.

Please follow the links to find information on second-year computer science courses.

Analysis of Algorithms (COMP 2080)*

Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science (COMP 2130)*

Data Structures and Algorithms (COMP 2140)*

Object Orientation (COMP 2150)*

Programming Practices (COMP 2160)*

Introduction to Scientific Computing (COMP 2190)

Introduction to Computer Systems (COMP 2280)*

Workterm 1 (COMP 2980)

3000-Level Courses

Welcome to the world of Computer Science. Have you ever wondered how the applications running on your computer are built? In first year Computer Science courses, you will be introduced to fundamental computer programming concepts and information you need to get started on building some simple computer applications. In this page, you will find information about the first year Computer Science courses that are offered in the Department of Computer Science.

Please follow the links to find information on third-year computer science courses. Courses are grouped by the focus path they belong to.

Required for Majors

Software Engineering 1 (COMP 3350)

Operating Systems (COMP 3430)

Theoretical Computer Science

Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures (COMP 3170)

Automata Theory and Formal Languages (COMP 3030)

Networks and Security

Computer Networks 1 (COMP 3720)

Artificial Intelligence

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (COMP 3190)

Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Graphics

Human-Computer Interaction 1 (COMP 3020)

Computer Graphics 1 (COMP 3490)


Databases Concepts and Usage (COMP 3380)

Software Engineering

Distributed Computing (COMP 3010)

Human-Computer Interaction 1 (COMP 3020)

Technical Communication in Computer Science (COMP 3040)

Databases Concepts and Usage (COMP 3380)

Professional Practice in Computer Science (COMP 3620)

Computer Systems

Distributed Computing (COMP 3010)

Digital Logic 2 (COMP 3090)

Introduction to Compiler Construction (COMP 3290)

Special Interest Courses

Computational Linear Algebra (COMP 3120)

Discrete Math 2 (COMP 3130)

Numerical Analysis (COMP 3140)

Programming language Concepts (COMP 3440)

Professional Practice in Computer Science (COMP 3620)

Workterm 2 (COMP 3980)

4000-Level Courses

Welcome to the world of Computer Science. Have you ever wondered how the applications running on your computer are built? In first year Computer Science courses, you will be introduced to fundamental computer programming concepts and information you need to get started on building some simple computer applications. In this page, you will find information about the first year Computer Science courses that are offered in the Department of Computer Science.

Please follow the links to find information on fourth-year computer science courses. Courses are grouped by the focus path they belong to.

Theoretical Computer Science

Advanced Design and Analysis of Algorithms (COMP 4420)

Graph Theory Algorithms 1 (COMP 4340)

Introduction to Cryptography and Cryptosystems (COMP 4140)

Introduction to Parallel Computation (COMP 4510)

Networks and Security

Computer Security (COMP 4580)

Computer Networks 2 (COMP 4720)

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (COMP 4190)

Expert Systems (COMP 4200)

Machine Learning (COMP 4360)

Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Graphics

Human-Computer Interaction 2 (COMP 4020)

Computer Graphics 2 (COMP 4490)


Database Implementation (COMP 4380)

Introduction to Data Mining (COMP 4710)

Advanced Databases (COMP 4740)

Software Engineering

Project Management (COMP 4050)

Software Engineering 2 (COMP 4350)

Computer Systems

Compiler Construction 2 (COMP 4290)

Operating Systems 2 (COMP 4430)

Real-Time Systems (COMP 4550)

Introduction to Parallel Computation (COMP 4510)

Computer Systems and Architecture (COMP 4690)

Special Interest

Topics in Computer Science (COMP 4060)

Graph Theory Algorithms II (COMP 4220)

Design Theory and Coding Theory (COMP 4270)

Computability Theory (COMP 4310)

Introduction to Simulation and Model Building (COMP 4530)

Industrial Project (COMP 4560)

Workterm 3 (COMP 4980)

Table of Contents