Object Orientation (COMP 2150)

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COMP 1010 Home > Computer Science Courses


In your first year, you learned how to write simple programs using an object-oriented programming language, Java. In this course, you will be introduced to other object-orientation program languages in addition to Java, such as C++ and possibly Ruby. You will also learn additional advanced object-oriented programming techniques (such as polymorphism) to design and implement a computer application.

...By Students

You might want to put on your thinking caps for this one. This course goes in great depth analyzing the core concepts of OOP(Object Oriented Programing). I personally found that using IDE's such as eclipse helped manage my files a lot better. And there are a lot of files to handle, sometimes up to 30 in one assignment.


Data Structures and Algorithms (COMP 2140)
Programming Practices (COMP 2160)

Course Homepage


Official Description
