Operating Systems (COMP 3430)

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COMP 1010 Home > Computer Science Courses


Ever wonder how your computer is able run so many programs at once? In this course, students get a general overview of the Operating System and how it manages multiple executing programs and hardware resources. This is required for a Computer Science Major, so you will not be graduating without this course on your transcript.

...By Students

"Lab is required, but is not held every week."

"I found that by using PThreads, taught in this course, you can improve the performance of your algorithms and make better use of available resources on your machine. Pthreads allow the operating system to schedule many tasks to run at the same time to improve efficiency."


Data Structures and Algorithms (COMP 2140)
Programming Practices (COMP 2160)
Introduction to Computer Systems (COMP 2280)

Course Homepage

COMP 3430

Official Description
