Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (COMP 3190)

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Artificial Intelligence is the study of algorithms that allow computers to perform tasks intelligently, efficiently, and act dynamically in changing environments. In this introductory course, you are presented with a myriad of topics that fall into this broad category. Machine Learning, Robotics, Expert Systems and other topics are all briefly touched on in this course. If you would like to know more about a topic, you are encouraged to enrol in a higher level course that caters to your specific topic of interest. COMP 3190 is the prerequisite to all further Artificial Intelligence courses.

Comp 3190: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence at UofM

...By Students

"Thorough introduction to Aritifcial Intelligence. Something for everyone."

"A.I is such a powerful concept, way more than any single course can hope to cover entirely. Look forward to the 4000-level course too."


Data Structures and Algorithms (COMP 2140)

Course Homepage

Jacky Web

Official Description
