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Afsane Baghestani
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Advisors: Andrea Bunt, Celine Latulipe
I have started my Master’s studies in Computer Science at the University of Manitoba in 2021. In my thesis, I am interested in the impacts of collaborative learning on software learnability for older adult users.
I am holding two BSc degrees in Computer Engineering (IT- 2018) and Industrial Engineering (2020) from Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Older Adults’ Collaborative Learning Dynamics When Exploring Feature-Rich Software
Afsane Baghestani, Celine Latulipe, Andrea Bunt. 2024. Older Adults’ Collaborative Learning Dynamics When Exploring Feature-Rich Software. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., 8, CSCW1, Article 101 (April 2024), 27 pages, https://doi.org/10.1145/3637378
Older Adults’ Collaborative Learning Dynamics When Exploring Feature-Rich Software
Afsane Baghestani. Older Adults’ Collaborative Learning Dynamics When Exploring Feature-Rich Software. 2023. MSc Thesis. University of Manitoba, Canada.
Feature-Rich Software Exploration: Older Adults’ Collaborative Learning Dynamics
Afsane Baghestani, Celine Latulipe, Andrea Bunt. 2023. Feature-Rich Software Exploration: Older Adults’ Collaborative Learning Dynamics.Centre on Aging 40th Annual Spring Research Symposium. Poster.