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Emmanuel Segun-Lean

Emmanuel Segun-Lean

MSc Student

Email: segunlee[at]myumanitoba.com

Hapy: hapy[dot]world

FS-Pro: fspro.sturves[dot]tech (edited)

External Website ↗
Advisor: Celine Latulipe


I’m a Masters student focused on leveraging technology to empower older adults. I have a BSc in Software Engineering from the American University of Nigeria, where I developed a Hausa-based programming language called Hapy. Alongside my academic and professional interests, I enjoy (amateur) photography, design, music, comedy, and nature. I am also involved in small-scale coding projects including a football simulation game, FS Pro.

“He knew that his brother, when excited, was like a coin in motion, spinning and spinning to give the illusion of a million sides”
  --Measuring time, Helon Habila