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Yan Wang
Email: health55yan@hotmail.com
Advisor: James E.Young
Research Areas: Gender Studies, Human-Robot Interaction
My research program starts with my concerns about gender inequality in Science and Engeering. My current interests are exploring how men and women perceive robots differently, and how people's perceptions of robots could change if we design a robot with gender awareness.
Check Your Stereotypes at the Door
Daniel J. Rea, Yan Wang and James E. Young (2015) Check Your Stereotypes at the Door: an Analysis of Gender Typecasts in Social Human-Robot Interaction, International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR). Springer.
Gendering Human-Robot Interaction
Yan Wang. Gendering Human-Robot Interaction: exploring how a person's gender impacts attitudes toward and interaction with robots. M.Sc. Thesis (2014). University of Manitoba, Canada.
Beyond “Pink” and “Blue”: Gendered Attitudes Towards Robots in Society
Yan Wang and James E. Young (2014) Beyond "Pink" and "Blue": Gendered Attitudes Towards Robots in Society. Proceedings of Gender and IT Appropriation (GenderIT'14), Pages 49 -59