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Low Frequency Sound in Social HRI

Low Frequency Sound in Social HRI

Infrasound, low frequency sound below 20Hz, is not normally heard or felt consciously by people. However, evidence suggests that the presence of infrasound may induce hallucinations, change people's emotions, or even make nearby objects appear to move. As social robots are being designed to work in environments that often have infrasound (factories, near vehicles, etc), and even may make infrasound themselves, we investigate how infrasound can affect social human-robot interaction. In particular, we explore how infrasound can change the perception and interpretation of a robot's body language and gestures.

Project Publications

Infrasound for HRI: A Robot Using Low-Frequency Vibrations to Impact How People Perceive its Actions

Thiessen, R., Rea, D. J., Garcha, D. S., Cheng, C.,Young, J. E. (2019). Infrasound for HRI: A Robot Using Low-Frequency Vibrations to Impact How People Perceive its Actions. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference of Human-Robot Interaction.


Daniel J. Rea

Daniel J. Rea

Assistant Professor
Cheng Cheng

Cheng Cheng

James E.Young

James E.Young
