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Sharing Spaces with Robots: an Integrated Environment for Human-Robot Interaction
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James E. Young and Ehud Sharlin. Sharing Spaces with Robots: an Integrated Environment for Human-Robot Interaction. In Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Intelligent Environments, 2006. ISIE ’06, Cambridge, UK, April 5–7, 2006, pages 103–110, Cambridge, UK, April 2006. Microsoft Research Ltd., Microsoft Research Ltd. Press.Publisher Link
James E. Young and Ehud Sharlin. Sharing Spaces with Robots: an Integrated Environment for Human-Robot Interaction. In Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Intelligent Environments, 2006. ISIE ’06, Cambridge, UK, April 5–7, 2006, pages 103–110, Cambridge, UK, April 2006. Microsoft Research Ltd., Microsoft Research Ltd. Press
Bibtext Entry
author = {James E. Young and Ehud Sharlin},
title = {Sharing spaces with robots: an integrated environment for human-robot interaction},
booktitle = {in Proc. of the International Symposium on Intelligent Environments (ISIE ’06},
year = {2006},
pages = {103--110}