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Patrick Dubois

Patrick Dubois


Research Areas: knowledge sharing, online communities, gender, rural communities, inclusivity, computer science education


I'm an Instructor in the Department of Computer Science with teaching interests in Human-Computer Interaction.

While completing my PhD, I researched the impact of interface design for building inclusive and equitable online communities. I worked with under-represented populations to identify and understand how interfaces can affect online interactions, both negative and positive. I hoped to encourage, include and value diverse perspectives, especially in online knowledge-sharing environments. I also completed my MSc and Bachelor of Computer Science at the UofM, researching improved online software tutorials' commenting systems to enhance readers' and contributors' experiences with complex software knowledge sharing.

Outside of research, I'm an active volunteer in the Franco-Manitoban and Métis communities and a board member of a few different cultural organizations. I'm passionate about local and global history and cultures.



Gender Inclusivity in Online Question and Answer Communities

Patrick Marcel Joseph Dubois. Gender Inclusivity in Online Question and Answer Communities: Investigating Community Member Practices and Perceptions to Work towards Equitable Interfaces. Ph.D. Thesis (2022). University of Manitoba, Canada.

Towards Gender-Inclusive Q&As: Investigating Community Presence Information

Patrick Marcel Joseph Dubois, Mahya Maftouni, and Andrea Bunt. 2022. Towards More Gender-Inclusive Q&As: Investigating Perceptions of Additional Community Presence Information. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact, 6, CSCW2, Article 466 (November 2022), 23 pages, https://doi.org/10.1145/3555567

“Thank you for being nice”: Investigating Perspectives Towards Social Feedback on Stack Overflow

Mahya Maftouni, Patrick Marcel Joseph Dubois, and Andrea Bunt. 2022. “Thank you for being nice”: Investigating Perspectives Towards Social Feedback on Stack Overflow. In Proceedings of the 48th Graphics Interface Conference. Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society. https://openreview.net/forum?id=rrHU3gtETG9

Gender Differences in Graphic Design Q&As

Patrick Marcel Joseph Dubois, Mahya Maftouni, Parmit K. Chilana, Joanna McGrenere and Andrea Bunt. 2020. Gender Differences in Graphic Design Q&As: How Community and Site Characteristics Contribute to Gender Gaps in Answering Questions. In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 4, CSCW2, Article 113 (October 2020), 27 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3415184

Software Learning Strategies and Perceptions of Rural Individuals

Patrick Dubois, Andrea Bunt. Software Learning Strategies and Perceptions of Rural Individuals. ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW'18). 2018. Extended abstract.

Conveyor: A Dual-Task Paradigm for Studying VR Dialogue Interfaces

Patrick Dubois, Daniel J. Rea, Kevin Hoang, Meghan Chua, Danielle King, Corey King, James E. Young and Andrea Bunt. Conveyor: A Dual-Task Paradigm for Studying VR Dialogue Interfaces. Graphics Interface (GI'18). 2018. Poster. (Best Poster Award)

Tell Me More! Soliciting Reader Contributions to Software Tutorials

Dubois, P., Dziubak, V., & Bunt, A. (2017, May). Tell Me More! Soliciting Reader Contributions to Software Tutorials. In Proceedings of the 43rd Graphics Interface Conference (pp. 16-23). Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society.  (Best Paper Award)

Soliciting Reader Contributions to Software Tutorials

Patrick Dubois. Soliciting Reader Contributions to Software Tutorials. M.Sc. Thesis (2017). University of Manitoba, Canada.

Switter: Supporting Exploration of Software Learning Materials on Social Media

Dziubak, V., Dubois, P., Bunt, A., & Terry, M. (2016, June). Switter: Supporting Exploration of Software Learning Materials on Social Media. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (pp. 1209-1220). ACM.

TaggedComments: Promoting and Integrating User Comments in Online Application Tutorials

Andrea Bunt, Patrick Dubois, Ben Lafreniere, Michael Terry, and David Cormack (2014) TaggedComments: Promoting and Integrating User Comments in Online Application Tutorials. In Proceedings of the ACM Confererence on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014), pp. 4037-4046.

Improving Tutorial Selection and Use Through Enhanced User Commenting Facilities

Patrick Dubois, Andrea Bunt, Matthew Lount, Ben Lafreniere and Michael Terry. Improving Tutorial Selection and Use Through Enhanced User Commenting Facilities. GRAND 2013, GRAND NCE Annual Conference, poster.