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Volodymyr Dziubak
Advisor: Andrea Bunt
Research Areas: Creativity-Support Systems, Mixed-Initiative System Design, User-Centered Design, Software Learnability, Intelligent Software Systems
I was working with Dr. Andrea Bunt. My primary research interest was in exploring the design and evaluation of software systems which provide non-intrusive support for professional creative practices. My thesis work focuses on studying design and evaluation of software systems that support inspiration seeking practices of professional graphic designers. My additional interests inlude user-centered design, learnability of complex software systems, and intellingent user interfaces.
Supporting Graphic Designers’ Online Inspiration Seeking Practices via Software Tools (Ph.D. thesis)
Volodymyr Dziubak. Supporting Graphic Designers’ Online Inspiration Seeking Practices via Software Tools. Ph.D. Thesis (2019). University of Manitoba, Canada.
Maestro: Designing a System for Real-Time Orchestration of 3D Modeling Workshops
Dziubak, V., Lafreniere, B., Grossman, T., Bunt, A., & Fitzmaurice, G. (2018, October). Maestro: Designing a System for Real-Time Orchestration of 3D Modeling Workshops. In The 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (pp. 287-298). ACM.
Prism: Enhancing Graphic Designers’ Visual Research with Interactive Search Trails
Dziubak, V., & Bunt, A. (2018, June). Prism: Enhancing Graphic Designers' Visual Research with Interactive Search Trails. In Proceedings of the 2018 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2018 (pp. 1283-1294). ACM.
Designing for curiosity-driven software learning
Dziubak, V. and Bunt, A. (2017) Designing for curiosity-driven software learning. In Workshop on Designing for Curiosity, CHI 2017, 2 pages.
Tell Me More! Soliciting Reader Contributions to Software Tutorials
Dubois, P., Dziubak, V., & Bunt, A. (2017, May). Tell Me More! Soliciting Reader Contributions to Software Tutorials. In Proceedings of the 43rd Graphics Interface Conference (pp. 16-23). Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society. (Best Paper Award)
Living on the edge: supporting continuous knowledge seeking among professional digital artists
Dziubak, V. and Bunt, A. Living on the edge: supporting continuous knowledge seeking among professional digital artists. In Workshop on Digital Craftsmanship: HCI Takes on Technology as an Expressive Medium, DIS 2016.
Switter: Supporting Exploration of Software Learning Materials on Social Media
Dziubak, V., Dubois, P., Bunt, A., & Terry, M. (2016, June). Switter: Supporting Exploration of Software Learning Materials on Social Media. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (pp. 1209-1220). ACM.
Exploring Personalized Command Recommendations based on Information Found in Web Documentation
Khan, M. A. A., Dziubak, V., & Bunt, A. (2015, March). Exploring personalized command recommendations based on information found in Web documentation. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (pp. 225-235). ACM.