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Software learning
This project aims to investigate advanced techniques for assisting users in learning complicated applications.
Project Publications
Beyond “One-Size-Fits-All”: Understanding the Diversity in How Software Newcomers Discover and Make
Kiani, K., Cui, G., Bunt, A., McGrenere, J., and Chilana, P.(2019) Beyond “One-Size-Fits-All”: Understanding the diversity and challenges in how software newcomers discover and make use of external help resources, Proceedings of CHI 2019, the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 340, 13 pages.
Maestro: Designing a System for Real-Time Orchestration of 3D Modeling Workshops
Dziubak, V., Lafreniere, B., Grossman, T., Bunt, A., & Fitzmaurice, G. (2018, October). Maestro: Designing a System for Real-Time Orchestration of 3D Modeling Workshops. In The 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (pp. 287-298). ACM.
Switter: Supporting Exploration of Software Learning Materials on Social Media
Dziubak, V., Dubois, P., Bunt, A., & Terry, M. (2016, June). Switter: Supporting Exploration of Software Learning Materials on Social Media. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (pp. 1209-1220). ACM.
As well as: Ben Lafreniere, Tovi Grossman, George Fitzmaurice, Kimia Kiani, George Cui, Joanna McGrenere, Parmit Chilana